Talks and Presentations


'Binding options of German demonstrative pronouns: a large-sample study and a computational model' (poster, with Umesh Patil), the 33rd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Amherst, MA, USA.

'Online-processing of protagonists’ perspective-taking' (poster, with Sara Meuser and Maximilian Hörl), the 33rd Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Amherst, MA, USA.

'Free indirect discourse meets character viewpoint gestures: A reconstruction of Davidson’s demonstration account with gesture semantics' (talk, with Cornelia Ebert), Linguistic Evidence 2020, University of Tübingen.


'The logophoricity constraint on German demonstrative pronouns' (poster, with Sara Meuser and Umesh Patil), the 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Tenerife, Spain.

'A comparison of anaphoric complex demonstratives and demonstrative pronouns' (talk, with Umesh Patil), the 41st DGfS, Bremen, Germany.

'Zum Zusammenspiel von Erzähler- und Protagonistenperspektivein den Brenner-Romanen von Wolf Haas', Narrativität als linguistische Kategorie, Kolloquium der Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik (ZGL), Berlin.


'Ein Vergleich zweier Formen der Gedankenwiedergabe in narrativen Texten', workshop Redewiedergabe (invited talk), Institut für deutsche Sprache (IDS), Mannheim.

'Demonstrative Pronouns and (Anti-) Logophoricity', workshop Logophoricity and Perspectivization in Wackershofen (invited talk), University of Stuttgart.

‘Narratorship and different kinds of perspective taking’ (invited talk), workshop Once upon a time … Semantic approaches to fiction, literature and narratives, workshop, University of Groningen.

‘How to point at discourse referents: On anaphoric and bound uses of complex demonstratives’ (talk), Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23, University of Barcelona.

‘Competition between the German root modal sollen and the imperative’ (talk, with Lisa Matthewson und Hubert Truckenbrodt), Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23, University of Barcelona.

‘Can German demonstrative pronouns really be bound?’ (poster, with Umesh Patil), The 24th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 24), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

‘German demonstratives are sensitive to perspective-taking’ (poster, with Umesh Patil), The 24th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 24), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

‘Online response to perspective-taking in narratives’ (poster, with Sara Meuser and Umesh Patil), The 24th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 24), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

‘The influence of perspective taking on the interpretation of German demonstrative pronouns’ (talk, with Umesh Patil), Annual Meeting of the Priority Program, University of Graz.

‘Free Indirect Discourse and protagonist’s prominence’ (talk), 40th Annual meeting of the Deutsche gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS) (Vortrag), Universität Stuttgart.


'A Comparison of the Modal Particles fei and aber‘ (poster, with Cornelia Ebert), Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 22, University of Potsdam.

‘German Wie-Complements: Manners, Methods and Events in Progress’ (talk, with Carla Umbach), Twelfth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation (TbILLC 2017).


‘The Binding Options of German D-Pronouns’ (poster, with Andreas Brocher), 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Florida, Gainesville,

‘Agentivity as an Indicator of Perspective Taking’ (talk), workshop Agentivity and Event Structure, 38th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), University of Konstanz.


‘An Experimental Investigation of the Binding Properties of German Demonstrative Pronouns’ (with Andreas Brocher), Sinn und Bedeutung 20, Universität Tübingen

‘Prominent Protagonists’, 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Leiden.

‘Perspective as a Parameter of Prominence. The Case of German Demonstrative Pronouns’ (with Peter Bosch and Umesh Patil), Conference Prominence in Language, University of Cologne.


‘Demonstrative Pronouns and Perspective’, Workshop Embedded Pronouns, University of Tübingen.


'The Semantics of German sollen', Session 6, Semantics-Pragmatics-Interfaces, International Congress of Linguistics, University of Geneva.

'A Comparison of the Conditional Complementizers falls and if', workshop The Semantics and Pragmatics of Logical Words: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, International Congress of Linguistics, University of Geneva.

'Demonstrative Pronouns as Bound Variables?', workshop Information Structural Evidence in the Race for Salience, 35th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), University of Potsdam.


'A Comparison of Abstract and Concrete Mass Nouns in Terms of Their Interaction with Vague Quantificational Determiners', conference Mass/Count in Linguistics, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, ENS-Paris.


‘Adverbial Quantifiers Quantify over Events’ (with David Schueler), NELS 42, University of Toronto.

‘Requantification and Partial Focus in Indefinites' (with David Schueler), SuB 16, University of Utrecht.


‘The Metalinguistic Use of Vague Predicates in Conditionals, SALT 20, University of British Columbia.


‘A Unified Account of the Properties of German Demonstrative Pronouns, Workshop on Pronouns’, NELS 40, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

‘The Interpretation of the German Specificity Markers bestimmt and gewiss’ (with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Ebert), NELS 40, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

‘The Interpretation of the German Specificity Markers bestimmt and gewiss’ (with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Ebert), Sinn und Bedeutung 14.

When-Clauses, Emotive Verbs and Correlates’, Genericity Conference I, ENS, Paris.


'Topics as Speech Acts - An Analysis of Conditionals'(with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Endriss), WCCFL 27, UCLA.

'A Unified Analysis of Indicative and Biscuit Conditionals as Topics' (with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Endriss), SALT 18, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

'Why Free Relatives Sometimes Behave as Indefinites' (poster), SALT 18, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


'Embedding Topic-Comment Structures Results in Intermediate Scope Readings' (with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Endriss), NELS 38, University of Ottawa.

'Fixed Abode: What Topical indefinites and Wh-Terms Have in Common' (with Sophie Repp), NELS 38, University of Ottawa.

'Selective vs. Unselective Quantification over the Atomic Parts of Plural Entities: A Comparison of for the most part and usually' (with Cornelia Endriss), Plurality Unity, and Structure in Semantics.

‘Different Alternatives for Topics and Foci: Evidence from Indefinites and Multiple WHs’ (with Sophie Repp), Sinn und Bedeutung 12, University of Oslo.

‘Intermediate Scope Readings as Embedded Speech Acts’ (with Christian Ebert and Cornelia Endriss), Sinn und Bedeutung 12, University of Oslo.


'If vs. When, Wenn vs. Als: Microvariation in the Semantics of Tenporal and Conditional Complementizers in English and German', NELS 37, University of Illinois.

'The Interpretation of Universally Quantified DPs and Singular Definites in Adverbially Quantified Sentences', The 2006 Milan Meeting, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano.

'The Interpretation of Universally Quantified DPs and Singular Definites in Adverbially Quantified Sentences', WCCFL 25, University of Washington, Seattle.


'Topic Interpretation in Adverbial and Determiner Quantification' (with Cornelia Endriss), NELS 36, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

'Quantification over Events: The Case of Bare Plurals and Plural Definites' (with Cornelia Endriss), Indefinites and Weak Quantifiers, Brussels.


'Time Intervals and Sum Eventualities' (with Cornelia Endriss), Sinn und Bedeutung 9, University of Nijmegen.

'Tense and Context Variables in Quantification' (with Cornelia Endriss), Covert Variables at LF, Palazzo Feltrinelli, Gargnano.

'The Influence of Tense and Number Marking on Quantificational Variability Effects' (with Cornelia Endriss), Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation, University of Leipzig.


'The Quantificational Variability of Free Relatives and Plural Definites', Sinn und Bedeutung 7, University of Konstanz.