Steepest Descent 2018

pictures on the event

Next Steepest Descent Meeting on the 8th of April 2018, in Vienna

at the WUK Vienna, Projektraum

Währinger Strasse 59, 1090 Vienna

13h00 doors open

13h15 - 14h30 Kathryn Fitzsimmons (MPI Mainz)

Climate change at the continental pole of inaccessibility – perspectives from the Silk Road piedmont

14h30 - 15h15 Break

15h15 - 16h30 Sébastien Carretier (GET Toulouse)

Millennial dispersion rate of river pebbles from 10Be and models

16h30 - 17h15 Break

17h15 - 18h30 Isabel Montanez (UC Davis)

Reconstructing CO2-climate-vegetation feedbacks during Earth’s penultimate icehouse

Registration (early before 26th of March)

!!!!!! this year, the meeting is on the SUNDAY BEFORE EGU !!!!!!!!!

contact: steepestdescentmeeting at