Prizes and Awards

  • Author of the AMIBIO (Automatic Acoustic Monitoring and Inventorying of Biodiversity) proposal, Grant: LIFE08 NAT/GR/000539 (Feb. 2010 – March 2013) which was chosen amongst the best of the best projects of the LIFE+ EU program.

  • CRITIS 2014 Young Researcher Award, 9th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, Limassol, Cyprus, 13-15 October 2014.

  • Winner of Politecnico di Milano International Fellowship 2015-2017, Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering.

  • Professorship habilitation by the Agenzia per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya, Spain (25/11/2015).

  • Member of the IEEE Computational Intelligent Society Task Force on Computational Audio Processing,

  • Winner of International Neural Network Society Conference on Big Data 2016 best regular paper award.

  • Fellow of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics

  • Microsoft Azure Research Award for the CACTUS project (21/7/2017).

  • Outstanding reviewer Award for the following Elsevier journals: Journal of the Franklin Institute, Digital Signal Processing, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Measurement, Expert Systems With Applications.

  • Editor of the book entitled “Big Data in Engineering Applications” Editors: Roy, S.S., Samui, P., Deo, R., Ntalampiras, S. (Eds.), Studies in Big Data. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-10-8476-8.

  • Associate Editor for PlosOne Journal (21/6/2018-today).

  • Associate Professor habilitation by the Italian Ministry of Education (7/8/2018).

  • Winner of the Patrick Turner MBA’78 Prize within the 37th INSEAD Venture Competition as a co-founder of the BabyT start-up team (5/12/2018).

  • Editor of MMRP 2019 proceedings published by IEEE CPS.

  • Poster presentation award at 2nd Annual Joint Research Center of the European Commission Alumni Network event (5/2/2019).

  • Recipient of the NVIDIA GPU Grant, 3.000 USD (19/2/2019).