
Hello there!

Welcome to my little corner in the World Wide Web :)

I'm Stavros Ntalampiras and I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan and an Associate Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy. In addition, I am a member of the Music Informatics Laboratory LIM. At the same time, I serve as Associate Editor for the IEEE Access, PlosOne, IET Signal Processing, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology. I'm interested in the following research areas: content-based signal processing, audio pattern recognition, bioacoustics, machine learning, and cyber-physical systems.

Since July 2018, I am a co-Founder and Data Science Advisor at Zoundream start-up where we design and implement machine learning technologies for content-based audio signal processing solutions. More info@https://zoundream.com/

Before that, I was conducting research under the umbrella of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (https://www.ercim.eu/) while being hosted by the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering of the National Research Council of Italy (http://www.ieiit.cnr.it/). At the same time, I was an Adjunct Lecturer at SEDIN of UniversitĂ  Bocconi www.unibocconi.it/sedin.

Google scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ktqy0r0AAAAJ

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stavros-ntalampiras-209ba710/

Scopus profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=24830597800

older bio stuff: I graduated from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras in Greece. After that i got my PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Wire Communications Laboratory. After that i worked as a post-doc researcher and developer for several European and Greek research projects for the University of Patras, Politecnico di Milano and the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

This page serves communicating my research (and not only) interests. Feel free to navigate to all of its parts as it expands.

A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free. [Nikos Kazantzakis]