
Graduate Students (MSc/PhD)

Prospective graduate students interested in joining my laboratory are asked to submit a CV, unofficial transcripts, and a statement of research interests. Only those individuals being considered for a position will be contacted. Preference will be given to students who are eligible to apply for NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships or CIHR Master's Awards.

Undergraduate Students


Undergraduates interested in conducting their own independent research project are strongly encouraged to consider the Honours Program. To be eligible for entry into the program, you must complete 6 semesters of courses, have a minimum average of 70% in all courses taken, and have a minimum average of 75% in all Biology courses and required cognate courses. Please feel free to email me to discuss.

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Undergraduates interested in conducting their own independent research (usually over the summer months) should consider applying for an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA). A minimum average of 70% is needed to apply, although given the highly competitive nature of these awards, a minimum of 85% is recommended. Additional information: NSERC USRA

Research Courses

Research courses provide undergraduates with the opportunity to get credit for conducting research. These courses can be taken in any semester, including the summer (May-August). Research courses are intensive, so course schedules must be planned accordingly. BIOL396, BIOL490BM and BIOL490BO allow students to gain research training and experience by carrying out their own original research.