Lesson 02|02 of 13

Lesson 02 | 02 of 13

Copy Cut And Paste Text

Copy is used when you want to have an area of text from a document twice at the same document or in another document. You first select the area of the text by highlighting it and then press CTRL+C, or go to Edit menu and select Copy.

Cut is used to delete an area of text from a document. You first select the area of the text by highlighting it and then press CTRL+X, or go to Edit menu and select Cut.

Paste is used to insert an area of text or image in a document by hitting CTRL+V or in the Edit menu selecting Paste.

Another way of using the copy, cut or paste commands is using the right-click button of your mouse.

  • After highlighting the text you right-click and a menu will appear where you can select Copy or Cut.

  • To paste you just insert your cursor where you want, right-click and select Paste.

Copying or cutting and pasting a text in Microsoft Word

  • Highlight the text you want to copy or cut, press CTRL+C (for copy) or CTRL+X (for paste).

  • Insert your cursor where you want to paste the text.

  • Paste your text by pressing CTRL+V. The text will appear.

Edited by Norman Bliss