


The State College Model Yacht Club will operate under the Constitution and By-Laws of the National organization known as the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA) except as superseded by the following articles.


The name of this organization is "State College Model Yacht Club", otherwise known as SCMYC. This is a model yachting organization operating in Pennsylvania under Sanction #74 of the American Model Yachting Association, (AMYA). The State College Model Yacht Club is a non-profit organization, managed by a volunteer Management Committee.


The purpose of this organization is to promote interest and participation in R/C model yachting in the central Pennsylvania area, and advance the hobby of R/C model yachting and sailboat racing. All enterprises of this organization will conform to the policies and the Constitution of the AMYA except those that may be preempted by these articles and by-laws. This organization will conform to the policies and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as applicable.


SECTION 1 REQUIREMENTS: Anyone may apply for membership providing the qualifications set forth in these By-Laws are met.

SECTION 2 QUALIFICATIONS: An applicant must have an interest in model yachting and agree to uphold the rules and by-laws of this organization. Boat ownership is not a prerequisite, and ownership of any type of radio-controlled sail powered vessels is encouraged.


  • ACTIVE MEMBER: Membership is open to all individuals. A member is deemed "Active" if all dues are paid current.

  • INACTIVE MEMBER: One who has not paid, or who’s dues are not current. An inactive member carries the same status as a non-member.

  • ADULT MEMBER: Members who have reached the age of 18, by 31 December in the year in which they hold membership, are eligible to vote on issues concerning the club and are eligible to hold the position of an officer of the club. Adult membership dues are $20.00 per year.

  • FAMILY MEMBERSHIP: This membership consists of one adult and any number of family members. The annual dues for a Family Membership shall be $20 for the first member and $5 per additional family member.

SECTION 4 ADMISSIONS: Annual dues shall be payable in full any time between the Annual Meeting and the First Sailing Day of the new season.”

New members joining after July 1st shall pay the regular rate and they shall be covered for the balance of the year plus the following year. New members’ dues are payable upon joining.

SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: Any assessment for the general fund shall be voted on by the membership after notification of a meeting for the purpose of voting. The membership will be notified no less than 30 days prior to the special meeting; a two-thirds majority vote of members attending the meeting will be required to pass. The notification will contain the time, date, place of the meeting and the purpose of the special assessment. Any new member joining the organization in the year of a special assessment will be required to pay the non refundable assessment upon joining.

SECTION 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: A new member will be put on the roster upon receipt of all moneys due the organization.

SECTION 6 DELINQUENT MEMBER: A member becomes delinquent 60 days from date dues and/or special assessments are due, and voting privileges are terminated. The member will remain on the roster as an inactive member.

SECTION 7 REINSTATEMENT: An inactive member that has been delinquent for more than the stated delinquent period must reapply as a new member. The delinquent member may be reinstated upon payment of dues, and any other assessments that may be due.


Officers will be members of AMYA

SECTION 1 OFFICERS: The elected officers of the Yacht Club shall be Commodore and Vice Commodore.

SECTION 2 TERM LIMITS: The elected officers of the Yacht Club shall have no limit on the number of two (2) year terms they may serve. It is expected that the officer will serve until the winter meeting, and the office can be filled without the need for a special election and meeting.

SECTION 3 VACATED OFFICE: In the event any club officer position is vacated during the year the remaining officers will move up in position, if needed, to fill the vacancy and the open office shall be filled by special election. This special election may be held via the internet, phone tree, U.S. Mail, or any other manner utilizing technology that is deemed appropriate by the remaining officer to preclude the need for a special meeting.


SECTION 1 ELECTIONS: The biennial elections for officers shall be held during an even numbered year during the regular meeting of the organization. Special elections will be held as necessary in a timely manner to fill the vacant office. Membership dues for the following year shall be paid to be eligible to vote.

SECTION 2 NOMINATIONS AND PROCEDURE: Nominations and elections of officers shall take place during the regular winter meeting. The office of Commodore shall be nominated and voted on first, Vice Commodore shall be nominated and voted on second.

SECTION 3 RESULTS: The results of the election shall be announced immediately, and all Club properties shall be transferred to the appropriate newly elected officer(s) following the winter meeting. Prior to transfer of financial records and the funds, an audit shall be performed by a committee appointed by the Commodore and the results presented to the membership.


SECTION 1 COMMODORE: The Commodore shall preside at all meetings and appoint and prescribe duties of any committees deemed necessary to carry out Club functions. The Commodore shall be the Club’s AMYA liaison.

SECTION 2 VICE COMMODORE: The Vice Commodore shall carry out all duties of the Commodore in his absence. The Vice Commodore shall be The Club’s social coordinator. The Vice Commodore shall keep the financial accounts and shall notify those members delinquent in their dues.


A regular meeting shall be held, at minimum, once annually, and events attended by both officers can be deemed a meeting if attended by, at minimum, half of the members. An Officer can request a meeting; either officer shall notify the members and provide information and the agenda.


The management of the association shall be vested in the Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the association. The committee shall make appropriations, authorize expenditures, designate the locations of meetings, perform routine duties, and carry out acts that may be directed by the by-laws, and have such general power to perform other acts that typically pertain to such governing bodies.


A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of all active members. All business except special assessment approval and by-law amendment may be conducted by a simple majority of active members present at a specific meeting. A member unable to attend in person, or through the use of technology (e.g. Skype), may designate another member to act as proxy should any vote be required.


The by-laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of active members present at any meeting or by proxy, which has been called for that purpose. The proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted to the membership in writing or electronically with proper acknowledgement 30 days prior to the proposed amendment.


In all events sponsored by the Club, the ISAF rules as adopted by the AMYA shall govern, except as may be otherwise modified by the Club, and/or class rules.


The Club shall endeavor to maintain a web site for promotion and communication purposes, to be maintained by volunteers.


Members shall observe the rules and regulations governing public access to those facilities where Club activities take place. Operating agreements made between the SCMYC Officers, and public or private organizations shall be incorporated herewith by inference.

Modified, adopted, and effective August 2021.