Community Service

Service is a critical component of our CYO Program. Every athlete on every team is required to participate in the selected service project for the season. Our athletes are blessed with health, time and talent and these gifts should be shared with those who are in need.

In the past we have performed a variety of services which have benefited members of our parish and the community around us. In turn, this service has enriched the lives of the CYO athletes and has taught them how be more Christ-like in how they live their lives.

The excerpt below was taken from an article written by the National Council for Catholic Youth Sport:

“Among the many terrific benefits of being on a Catholic athletic team is the opportunity to learn first hand what it means to be part of a Christian community in a personal way. This relates to how the young people and coaches live Christian values of caring, forgiving, encouraging, settling conflicts peacefully, supporting, loving, and challenging each other. The team experience is where Christian faith is lived in practical ways that connects the individual and team with basic Gospel values and beliefs.“

If you know of an individual or group who could use our help, please e-mail us at


    • Variety, the Children's Charity of the Delaware Valley. Dominique Bernardo, CEO,