Journal Publications
Raugei, M., S. Sgouridis, et al. (2016) “Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation: A comprehensive response and rebuttal” Accepted for publication at Energy Policy.
Bardi, U., Perissi, I., Csala, D., & Sgouridis, S. (2016). The Sower’s Way: A Strategy to Attain the Energy Transition. International Journal of Heat and Technology, 34 (Special Issue 2), S263–S265. (Link)
Sgouridis, S., Csala, D., & Bardi, U. (2016). The sower’s way: quantifying the narrowing net-energy pathways to a global energy transition. Environmental Research Letters, 11(9), 1–8. (Open Access Link)
Warshay, B., Brown, J., & Sgouridis, S. (2016). Life cycle assessment of integrated seawater agriculture in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf as a potential food and aviation biofuel resource Brian Warshay, Jed Brown & Sgouris Sgouridis. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1–18. (Link)
Sgouridis, S., Abdullah, A., Griffiths, S., Saygin, D., Wagner, N., Gielen, D., et al. (2015). RE-mapping the UAE’s energy transition: An economy-wide assessment of renewable energy options and their policy implications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 1–15. (Link)
Sgouridis, S.; Csala, D. (2014) A Framework for Defining Sustainable Energy Transitions: Principles, Dynamics, and Implications. Sustainability, 6, 2601-2622. (Open Access Link)
Sgouridis, S. (2014). Defusing the Energy Trap: The Potential of Energy-Denominated Currencies to facilitate a Sustainable Energy Transition. Frontiers in Energy Research: Energy Systems and Policy. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2014.00008 (Open Access Link)
Cybulska, I., T. Chaturvedi, A. Alassali, G. P. Brudecki, J. J. Brown, S. Sgouridis, and M. H. Thomsen. 2014. “Characterization of the Chemical Composition of the Halophyte Salicornia Bigelovii under Cultivation.” Energy & Fuels 28 (6): 3873–83. doi:10.1021/ef500478b. (Link)
Sgouridis, S., S. Griffiths, S. Kennedy, A. Khalid, and N. Zurita (2013). “A Sustainable Energy Transition Strategy For The United Arab Emirates: Evaluation Of Options Using An Integrated Energy Model.” Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 2, Issue 1, June 2013, Pages 8–18. SPECIAL ISSUE: Strategy Options and Models for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Energy Transition. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2013.03.002 (Link)
Yousef, L., W. al Yamani, S. Kennedy, S. Sgouridis (2012). “A Land Suitability study for the sustainable cultivation of the halophyte Salicornia bigelovii: the Case of Abu Dhabi, UAE”. Arid Land Research and Management. Volume 27, Issue 4, 2013. DOI:10.1080/15324982.2013.771230 (Link)
Morrison, J. K.D., R. J. Hansman and S. Sgouridis (2011). "Game Theory Analysis of the Impact of Single Aisle Aircraft Competition on Fleet Emissions." Journal of Aircraft. Vol. 49 no. 2 (483-494). doi: 10.2514/1.C031407 (Link).
Mokhtar, M., M. T. Ali, R. Khalilpour, A. Abbas, N. Shah, A. Al Hajaj, P. Armstrong, M. Chiesa, and S. Sgouridis. (2011) "Solar-assisted Post-combustion Carbon Capture feasibility study." Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.07.032 (Link)
Warshay, B., J. Pan, and S. Sgouridis. (2011) “Aviation Industry’s Quest for a Sustainable Fuel: Considerations of Scale and Modal Opportunity Carbon Benefit.” Biofuels, Volume 2, Number 1, January 2011 , pp. 33-58(26). (Link)
Kennedy, S. and S. Sgouridis (2011). "Rigorous classification and carbon accounting principles for low and Zero Carbon Cities." Volume 39, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 5259-5268, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.05.038 (Link)
Mueller, K., and S. Sgouridis (2011) “Simulation-based Analysis of Personal Rapid Transit System Implementation: Application in Masdar City Transportation System.” Journal of Advanced Transportation, doi: 10.1002/atr.158 (Link)
Sgouridis, S., Kennedy, S. (2010). “Tangible and fungible energy: Hybrid energy market and currency system for total energy management. A Masdar City case study.” Energy Policy Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2010, Pages 1749-1758, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2009.11.049 (Link)
Sgouridis, S., P. Bonnefoy, and R. J. Hansman (2010). "Air transportation for a carbon constrained world: Long-term Dynamics of Policies and Strategies for Mitigating the Carbon Footprint of Commercial Aviation." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2010.03.019 (Link)
Marwan Mokhtar, Muhammad Tauha Ali, Simon Bräuniger, Afshin Afshari, Sgouris Sgouridis, Peter Armstrong and Matteo Chiesa. (2010) “Systematic comprehensive techno-economic assessment of solar cooling technologies using location-specific climate data” Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.06.026. (Link)
Dikos, G., S. Sgouridis (2008) “Double Hull Phase-In in the Maritime Industry: The Effects of Sunk Cost and Uncertainty.” International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 2008 - Vol. 1, No.1 pp. 100 - 117. (Link)
Sussman, J., S. Sgouridis, and J. Ward. (2005) “New Approach to Transportation Planning for the 21st Century: Regional Strategic Transportation Planning as a CLIOS Process,” Transportation Research Record 1931 (2005), National Academy Press, Washington, DC. (Link)
Sgouridis, S., D. Makris, and D. Angelides. (2003) “Simulation Analysis for Midterm Yard Planning in Container Terminal.” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 4, July/August. (Link)
Refereed Conference Papers & Proceedings
Tuomiranta, A., M. Jayyousi, L. Calisto, S. Sgouridis, S. N. Beegum, M. Ibarra, J. Estima and H Ghedira. (2015) “Geospatial Quantification of the Energy Economic Potential for Utility-Scale Photovoltaics: Case of the United Arab Emirates.” Solar World Congress 2015. Daegu, Korea, 08 – 12 November 2015
Sgouridis, S. and D. Csala. (2015). “Renewable Energy Investment Ratio: A Critical Parameter for the Global Energy Transition.” 34th International Energy Workshop, Abu Dhabi UAE. June 2015.
Karapetyan, A., Yaqub, W., Kirakosyan, A., & Sgouridis, S. (2015). “A Two-stage Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Paper-based and Software-based Business Cards.” Procedia Computer Science, 52, 819–826.
Brimmo, A., O. Ogungbesan, A. Nwobi, and S. Sgouridis. (2013) ‘Sustainable Use Of Oil Palm Products As Biomass Energy Sources: The Case Of Nigeria.” International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE). Pretoria, S. Africa.
Rashid, K., F. Chowdhury, O. Qureshi, M. Yasin and S. Sgouridis. (2013) “Techno-Economic Analysis of Algal Biodiesel Production in UAE.” International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE). Pretoria, S. Africa.
Hutchins J., S. Sgouridis, and M. Chiesa (2011) “Extending the Economic Life of Onshore Petroleum Wells by Using Geothermal Fluid Electricity Co-production.” Geothermal Energy Utilization Associated with Oil & Gas Development Conference, SMU. June 14-16. Texas.
Kar, R., P. Bonnefoy, R. J. Hansman, and S. Sgouridis (2011). “Assessment of the Fleet-wide Effects of Diffusion Dynamics of New Fuel Efficient Aircraft: Implications for Aircraft Manufacturer Strategies and Public Policy.” 90th Transportation Research Board Meeting. Washington DC. Paper #11-4293
Lin, P. Y., A. Khalid, S. Kennedy and S. Sgouridis. (2010) “Sensitivity of CO2 Emissions to Renewable Energy Penetration for Regions Utilizing Power and Water Cogeneration.” 8th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing.
Morrison, J., P. Bonnefoy, R. J. Hansman, and S. Sgouridis (2010). “Investigation of the Impacts of Effective Fuel Cost Increase on the US Air Transportation Network and Fleet.” 10th Aviation, Technology, Integration, Operations Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Kar, R., P. Bonnefoy, R. J. Hansman, and S. Sgouridis (2009). “Dynamics of Implementation of Mitigating Measures to Reduce Commercial Aviation’s Environmental Impacts.” 9th Aviation, Technology, Integration, Operations Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Sgouridis, S.P., Angelides, D.C. (2002) “Simulation-based analysis of handling inbound containers in a terminal.” Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference
Brown, N. and S. Sgouridis (2010) Modal Primer on Greenhouse Gas and Energy Issues in Transportation. Chapter 3: Aviation. Transportation Research Circular. E-C143. April. Transportation Research Board, Washington DC. (PDF Link)
Working papers
Sgouridis, S., J. Sussman, H. Weil, K. Bozdogan (2008). “Taming the Business Cycles in Commercial Aviation: Trade-space analysis of strategic policies across stakeholders using simulation modeling." ESD Working Paper Series
Sgouridis, S., J. Sussman, C. Glazner (2006). “Characterizing Three Engineering Systems Methods for Supporting Regional Strategic Transportation Planning Applied to Freight Systems". ESD Working Paper Series
Non-refereed conference papers
Sgouridis S. (2009) “Is the path to a sustainable future narrowing? A framework for evaluating the implications of the financial crisis on sustainability using historical precedent and system dynamics.” Presented in 15th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
Sitler, J and S. Sgouridis. (2009) “Towards Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading: An Analysis of Carbon and Fuel Price Correlation.” Presented in 15th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
Conference Presentations (selected)
Sgouridis S. (2014) 5 Thoughts on .The Transportation Transition Challenge. MI-MIT Symposium - Perspectives on Sustainable Critical Infrastructure. March 24th. Abu Dhabi UAE (presentation link)
Sgouridis S. (2013) Steering the Energy Intensity of the Economy towards a Sustainable Transition
Global Energy Systems (Invited) Edinburgh, UK. June 28th. (Presentation link)(Video Link)
Sgouridis S. (2013) Panel/Show Participation: Green Behaviour & Green Buying
Policy Conference on Complementary Currency Friday June 21st, Den Hague, Nehterlands (invited). Part of the 2nd International Conference on Complementary Currency Systems (CCS) organized by ISS. (Interview on the potential of energy currencies)
Sgouridis, S. (2012). “Energy-Denominated Currencies a Viable Pathway for Sustainable Societal Transitions.” Invited. First International Societal Transformation Conference. Split, Croatia. July 10-12.
Sgouridis, S., (2010) Invited Lecture to Sustainable Way for Alternative Fuel and Energy in Aviation (SWAFEA) 2nd Stakeholder Conference. “Saline Bioenergy: Potential of Integrated Seawater Agriculture Systems. UPDATE” Munich July 15, 2010
Sgouridis, S., (2010) Invited Lecture to Business Aviation Conference. “Biofuel Potential for Business Aviation” Abu Dhabi, May 18, 2010
Sgouridis, S., (2010) Invited Lecture to World Biofuel Energy Markets Conference. “Saline Bioenergy: Lifecycle Potential of Integrated Seawater Agriculture Systems” Amsterdam, March 17, 2010
Sgouridis, S. Greenomics Conference. “Masdar Institute: Greening the UAE one mind at a time”. 03/10/2009. Dubai. Minister of Environment was present at the talk.
Sgouridis, S. Gulf Renewable Energy Roundtable. Invited Lecture. “Renewable Energy In the Gulf: From Oxymoron to Necessity.” Organized by the Gulf Research Center. 21/10/09. (Z).
Sgouridis, S., S. Kennedy, and B. Warshay. “Bio-jetfuel: The Potential of Integrated Seawater Farming: A Lifecycle Assessment Study.” Greener Skies Conference, Hong Kong. 06/10/2009.
Sgouridis, S. and J. Sussman, (2006) “Modeling Methodologies for Integrating Regional Strategic Freight Transportation Planning and Supply Chain Management.” 9th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation: “Science, Society and Sustainability” Santorini, Greece. June, 19th
Sgouridis, S. and J. Sussman (2005), “Integrating Regional Strategic Transportation Planning and Supply Chain Management. Along the Path to Sustainability," 10th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference. Portland, OR.
Sgouridis S. (2014) The Energy Trap and How the World and the UAE can Avoid It. Oped for the National. Published on 24/08/2014 in the print edition. Republished at Sustainnovate (Link) and CleanTechnica (Link)
Sgouridis S. (2012) Are We on Course for a Sustainable Biofuel Based Aviation Future? DOI:10.4155/bfs.12.18. Biofuels 3 (3), 243-246 (Link)
Sgouridis S. (2012) “Using energy as currency: re-establishing the bridge between the financial and the real world” Network Industries Quarterly, EPFL, Vol. 14, no 2 & 3. (Link). Italian translation (2017) with commentary kindly provided by Mr. Saverio Castoro.
Sgouridis S. (2012) “Time-Of-Use Rewards: How Smart Grids Can Support Demand Response In The GCC” Metering International, Issue 3.
Sgouridis S. (2012) “The unrealized Potential of Personal Rapid Transit” Network Industries Quarterly, EPFL, Vol. 14, no 1. (Link)
Sgouridis S. (2010) From Green to Smart: advantages of a smart supply chain. LOG Middle East. Iss. 27. March.
Sgouridis S. (2009) Focusing on Green: Forefront or Backseat?. LOG Middle East. Iss. 16. March.
Sgouridis S. (2008) For the Long Haul. The case for more sustainable aviation: challenges and opportunities in a carbon constrained world. LOG Middle East. Iss. 5. March. (Link html)
Sgouridis, S., and S. Kennedy “Hybrid Energy Market and Currency System for Total Energy Management” Provisional Patent submission: P038305GB/USO (10023-22188)