Books and Flagship Reports

  1. Innovative China. New Drivers of Growth,” 2019. Co-author of the chapter on the financial sector. World Bank and Development Research Center of the State Council, The People’s Republic of China.

    • Featured in The Economist, September 19, 2019.

  2. Global Financial Development Report, 2018. “Bankers without Borders.” World Bank.

    • Featured in All About Finance, January 10, 2018.

  3. de la Torre, Augusto, Gozzi, Juan Carlos, and Schmukler, Sergio, 2017. “Innovative Experiences in Access to Finance: Market Friendly Roles for the Visible Hand?World Bank.

    • Featured in Let’s Talk Development, November 14, 2017.

  4. Global Financial Development Report, 2015-2016. “Long-term Finance,” World Bank.

    • Featured in All About Finance Blog, October 22, 2015.

  5. de la Torre, Augusto, Didier, Tatiana, Ize, Alain, Lederman, Daniel, and Schmukler, Sergio, 2015. “Latin America and the Rising South: Changing World, Changing Priorities,” World Bank.

    • Spanish Version: “América Latina y el Ascenso del Sur,” World Bank.

    • Featured in several media outlets including AFP, America Economia, Cieplan, CNN Expansion, EFE, El Pais, The Economist, The Huffington Post, Reuters (International), Buenos Aires Herald, La Nacion, La Prensa (Argentina), El Dia, Los Tiempos (Bolivia), O Globo, Terra Noticias, UOL Noticias, Valor Economico (Brazil), La Tercera (Chile), Caracol Noticias, El Espectador, La Nota Economica (Colombia), El Economista (Central America), El Economista, El Financiero, Forbes, La Jornada, Notimex (Mexico), Andina, El Comercio, Gestion (Peru), Infolatam (Spain), and El Oservador (Uruguay).

    • Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, by Richard Feinberg, November/December 2015.

    • Reviewed in The AAG Review of Books, 4(3) pp. 137–138, by Tom Narins, 2016.

  6. Didier, Tatiana, and Schmukler, Sergio (Eds.), 2014. “Emerging Issues in Financial Development: Lessons from Latin America,” World Bank.

  7. Caprio, Gerard, Beck, Thorsten, Claessens, Stijn, and Schmukler, Sergio (Eds.) 2013. “The Evidence and Impact of Financial Globalization,” Elsevier.

  8. de la Torre, Augusto, Ize, Alain, and Schmukler, Sergio, 2012. “Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Road Ahead,” World Bank.

    • Spanish Version: “Desarrollo Financiero en América Latina y el Caribe: El Camino por Delante,” World Bank.

    • Featured in several media outlets including CNN En Español, EFE, the New York Times, Reuters, Voice of America, the Wall Street Journal (USA), BBC Mundo (UK), Infolatam (Spain), La Nacion (Argentina), El Diario, Los Tiempos (Bolivia), Estrategia y Negocios (Central America), Diario Financiero, Economía y Negocios, El Mercurio, El Mostrador, Mercados (Chile), Caracol Radio, El Espectador, Terra, La Republica, Portafolio (Colombia), El Financiero (Costa Rica), Diario Libre, (Dominican Republic), El Mundo (El Salvador), Prensa Libre, Siglo XXI (Guatemala), El Economista, El Financiero, El Universal, Excelsior, La Crónica de Hoy, La Jornada, La Razón, La Reforma, Milenio, Notimex, Reporte 98.5 (Mexico), La Prensa (Panama), IP Paraguay, La Nación, Ultima Hora, 5 Días (Paraguay), Búsqueda, Ultimas Noticias (Uruguay), and Notitarde (Venezuela).

    • Reviewed in Foreign Affairs, by Richard Feinberg, March/April 2012.

  9. de la Torre, Augusto, and Schmukler, Sergio, 2006. “Emerging Capital Markets and Globalization: The Latin American Experience,” Stanford University Press and World Bank.

  10. Hall, Bronwyn, and Schmukler, Sergio, 1997. “TSP Handbook to Accompany Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts,” McGraw-Hill.