Grading Scale

This page summarizes the unique grading options during the SS20 semester, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of these adjustments are to provide more flexibility for students to earn a high grade in MTH 132 during these challenging times.

University S/NS Grading Scale:

Per the email announcement made by the provost on Thursday, March 26:

  • MSU will offer most students the option to have their final grades in a course be transcribed on a binary S/NS (satisfactory/not satisfactory) scale.
  • The threshold between S and NS will be 1.0.
  • Faculty will submit their grades as usual (using the 0.0-4.0 scale).
  • Students will have two weeks to view their grades and decide on a class-by-class basis if they would prefer to have their grades recorded on their transcripts with the numerical 0.0-4.0 grade or with S/NS.
  • Undergraduate students should direct questions about this new option to their academic advisors, who can be identified and contacted here.

In summary, grades will be submitted as usual and you will see your 0.0-4.0 grade after the final exam. After you view your grades, you will have 2 weeks to decide if you want to change your grade to the S/NS system, where any grade 1.0 or higher is assigned a S (satisfactory).

MTH 132 Additional Grading Changes

In addition to the S/NS grading option provided by the University, the MTH 132 grading scale will be adjusted.

Three different grading scales are shown below. Your grade will be calculated using each method, and your MAXIMUM score will be reported.

Original Grading Scale

(70% Exam Total)

  • Webwork - 10%
  • Quizzes - 20%
  • Exam 1 - 20%
  • Exam 2 - 20%
  • Final Exam - 30%

Alternate Scale 1

(Reduced Weight Exams)

  • Webwork - 50%
  • Quizzes - 20%
  • Exam 1 - 10%
  • Exam 2 - 10%
  • Final Exam - 10%

Alternate Scale 2

(Reduced Weight Exam 2 and Final)

  • Webwork - 40%
  • Quizzes - 20%
  • Exam 1 - 20%
  • Exam 2 - 10%
  • Final Exam - 10%

Updated Student Gradebook

The Student Gradebook (link) has been updated to include the Alternate Grading Scales. Remember, your maximum grade will be reported.

To use the Student Gradebook, download a copy of the XLS file and use the Student Portal to retrieve your raw scores.