
Published Papers

Managing Stigma during a Financial CrisisJournal of Financial Economics, 2018.

The Quality of Banks at Stigmatized Lending Facilities with Angela Vossmeyer (Claremont McKenna College) AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2019.

Does hedging with derivatives reduce the cost of corporate debt? The role of basis risk with Alessio Saretto (UT Dallas) & Heather Tookes (Yale SOM). Journal of Financial Stability, 2019. 

Liquidity from Two Lending Facilities with Angela Vossmeyer (Claremont McKenna), Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2020.

How Has Monetary and Regulatory Policy Affected Trading Relationships in the US Repo Market? with Zeynep Senyuz (Federal Reserve Board)  International Journal of Central Banking, 2022.

A New Daily Federal Funds Rate Series and History of the Federal Funds Market, 1928-1954 with Mark Carlson (Federal Reserve Board), Christopher Hanes (SUNY Binghamton), & David Wheelock (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)

"The Effect of the PPPLF on PPP Lending by Commercial Banks" joint with Mark Carlson (Federal Reserve Board) and Mary-Frances Styczynski (Federal Reserve Board)  Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2023.

FEDS & Working Papers

"The Value of Professional Ties in B2B Markets" joint with Navid Mojir (Harvard Business School)  R&R at Marketing Science

"The Importance of Repo Trading Relationships during Market Stress"  joint with Alyssa Anderson (Federal Reserve Board) and Zeynep Senyuz (Federal Reserve Board)  R&R at Journal of Financial Intermediation

"Stop Believing in Reserves" joint with Alyssa Anderson (Federal Reserve Board), Ethan Cohen (Federal Reserve Board), and Romina Ruprecht (Federal Reserve Board) R&R at the Journal of Finance

"Are Repo Markets Fragile? Evidence from September 2019" joint with Alyssa Anderson (Federal Reserve Board) and Zeynep Senyuz (Federal Reserve Board)

FEDS Notes

“The Re-emergence of the Federal Reserve Funds Market in the 1950s” (2019) with Mark Carlson (Federal Reserve Board)

"What Happened in Money Markets in September 2019?” (2020) with Alyssa Anderson (Federal Reserve Board) and Zeynep Senyuz (Federal Reserve Board)

Works in Progress

Community Lending during the Pandemicwith Mark Carlson (Federal Reserve Board), Mary-Frances Styczynski (Federal Reserve Board), Spencer Sween (UC Santa Barbara)

"Unpacking Reserve Demand: It's All About Supply" with Sebastian Infante (Federal Reserve Board) and Zeynep Senyuz (Federal Reserve Board)

"Predictive Analyses of Bank Examinations" with Mark Carlson (Federal Reserve Board) & Angela Vossmeyer (Claremont McKenna)