Welcome to my personal website
I am Dr. Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIITDM Kancheepuram. Please browse other tabs to know more about me and my research.
One of our work was accepted in IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications.
A new project on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces was accepted for funding from DRDO.
Research Areas/Interests:
Metagratings, Metasurfaces, Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Antennas, Metamaterial Absorber, Frequency Selective Surface (FSS), Phased Antenna Arrays, 60 GHz Antennas
Selected Publications:
Amiya Kumar Mondal, Prasanna Kumar Pallepogu, K Premkumar, Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, and Prerna Saxena, "Miniature Planar Log Periodic Dipole Array Antenna for IEMI Detection Application," accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, Mohammad Ameen, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, "Four-Port MIMO Cognitive Radio System for Mid-Band 5G Applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 67 (08), pp. 5634 - 5645, 2019. [link to download].
Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, Rajkishor Kumar, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, "Isolation Enhancement and Radar Cross Section Reduction of MIMO Antenna with Frequency Selective Surface", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 66 (03), pp. 1595 - 1600, 2018. [link to download].
Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, "Polarization Controllable and Wide-Angle Frequency Tunable Metamaterial Absorber", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 124 (20), p. 204901, 2018. [link to download].
Tanjir Alam, Sreenath Reddy Thummaluru, and Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, "Improved Multi-functional MIMO Cognitive Radio System for Integrated Interweave-Underlay Operations," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 70 (01), pp. 631-640, 2018. [link to download].
Contact Information:
Address: Cabin No. 308-A, Laboratory Complex, IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai-600127, Tamilnadu, India
Mobile: +91-7780101885
Institute Email ID: sreenath@iiitdm.ac.in
Personal Email ID: sreenath966@gmail.com