Workshops & Seminars Attended

    1. Professional Development Winter School on Clinical Data Analytics, Statistical and Machine Learning Using R & Python”, from 23rd to 26th January 2017 at MSRIT, Bangalore.

2. "IEEE Workshop on Big Data in Healthcare" on November 2016, Bengaluru.

3. "Philips Digital Healthcare Conclave 2016" on November 23rd, Bengaluru.

4. Workshop on “Big data computing” held on 4th October 2016 at MSRIT, Bangalore.

5. Participated in BIRAC Hackathon held from 13-15 June 2016 at IKP Eden at Bangalore.

6. “Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain-Computer Interface” under TEQIP (Phase-II) held during 14th – 21st January 2016 at MSRIT, Bangalore.

7. International Seminar on “Significant Challenges in Healthcare and the role of Biomedical Engineers- Perspectives of Healthcare Problems and Bioengineering Ethics” on 9thJanuary 2016 at MSRIT, Bangalore.

8. "Winter School on Scientific Computing using Open Source Software for Signal, Image Processing & Soft Computing Applications” held from 28th December 2015 to 01st January 2016 organized by the IEEE EMB Bangalore Chapter & IEEE EMB MSRIT student chapter at MSRIT, Bangalore.

9. "IEEE SYW Leadership Congress 2015” organized by IEEE Bangalore Section at Christ University, Bangalore from 28th to 30th August 2015.

10. “Enabling Ability in Disability through Standards and Technologies” workshop at Dr. S. R. Chandrasekhar Institute of Speech and Hearing, Bangalore on 25th July 2015, organized by IEEE.


  1. Letter of recommendation from advisor