After three first app

Data pubblicazione: Aug 17, 2014 3:33:12 PM

I built it for myself, but why not publishing also on the Play Store? So I made same little change we are!

Appself provides you a colored and customizable menu, that you can set in your own way.

With AppSelf, you can build:

- info panels, with your custom text;

- links to website (opening browser);

- webviews inside the app (e.g., html5 game, forum, or any webpage you like);

- links to another app (or to the market if the app is not installed on the device);

- mail contacts;

- links to a facebook group or event, in facebook app if installed, or from browser;

- sub-menu with up to 5 different links.


AppSelf can be used with different purposes.

Configure your own custom app:

- add your favourite links/games;

- share it with your friend (with import/export of the configuration file);

- unify links and applications about a single topic.

Configure an app about your sport team, fan club or any kind of association:

- add info, contacts, link to website, facebook group, forum and also a customized html5 game you may have built.

- a simple .db file will contain all the needed information to upload it to any other device with AppSelf installed.

Play with the styles, changing colors of bottons, text, frames, and selecting up to 5 different backgrounds.

The customization panel is quite simple but very easy to mantain, with no need of any technical skill.

The application is free and contains no advertising.

Hope you find it useful: any suggestion for improvement is very welcome!   


Permissions needed:


- WRITE ON EXTERNAL STORAGE for saving configuration file on SD.