Pall Over Aachen

This is to provide a quick play scenario with low counter density and four turns for World Boardgame Championships. The current version is unbalanced and made for G.I. Anvil of Victory (GIA) ruleset. This play-test will attempt to balance the scenario and provide SSRs that clearly and completely provide rules and vehicle characteristics that adopt the same 'feel' as the GIA scenario.

Adapted from Aachen's Pall, the GIA scenario card is here and the start file is here.

Special Scenario Rules

    • Squad Leader rules one through sixty three are in effect.

    • The infantry road rate is one Movement Factor.

    • The US infantry and AFV do not have have smoke.

    • The M12 is an opened topped SPG with no MGs, a Priest counter may represent it. The main armament Breakdown number is eight, unless adjacent to the ammunition vehicle when firing in which case it is twelve. The gun may not be fired during the player turn after it moves from its initially occupied hex. The Case A modifier (moving target) is tripled.

    • The M12 crew is always CE and subject to enemy fire (34.8). They are subject to the results of the IFT and failing a Moral Check will 'stun' the crew for the remainder of that and the next player turn, during which it may not move or fire. A 'KIA' destroys the AFV with no chance of crew survival.

    • The truck is the ammunition vehicle for the M12. Should the truck fail a 1MC, it is destroyed and there will be no wreck left in the hex. All other units in the hex are also destroyed. All American units in adjacent hexes to the truck must take a normal moral check.

Playtesting the original version

US victory, went until last turn. US player used firepower to break all German units in VC hexes, he never entered building. AAR is here.

US victory, went to second turn. German player set 10-2/HMG/467 outside VC hexes to cover open ground. They broke on first shot and failed to rout. Good US dice quickly ended German opposition.

Germans expand on disbursed setup to cover open ground. US bifurcates Germans with MMG. Combination of German setup and dice won the day.