A1. I-Net Monitor-Blocker Software


Are Your Children Safe on the I-Net?

While on-line exploration opens a world of possibilities for children, they can be exposed to dangers as they explore the information highway. Advances in computer technology allow your children to connect with complete strangers in a countless number of ways.

The Intelli-Spy COMPUTER ACTIVITY TRACKING SOFTWARE gives you the ability to track what your child does every time they get on the computer. You have a right to protect your child.

It Works on Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Win 7. 8


    • Key Logging: see everything typed onto the keyboard...this includes emails, instant messages, and social networking.

    • Screenshots: see snapshots taken at 1 minute intervals.

    • Block web sites: limit access to web sites that you feel are inappropriate for your child.

    • Completely Stealth: if someone shuts down the computer the program will restart.


    1. Intelli-Spy Software

    2. Digital and Printed Instructional Manual

    3. 7 Safety Reports:

●What is the Internet and How Powerful is it?

● Top Five Dangers to Kids with Unsupervised Internet Access.

● What Your Family Needs to Know About Cyber Predators.

● Social Networking...What Life is Your Family Living Online?

● Modern Day Pirates: What does Your Computer Contain?

● How to Track Who Uses Your Computer / What They Do.

● Internet Safety: How to Protect You and Your Family


Only $69.95 !!!

Isn't your child's safety

and your 'Peace of Mind'

worth that ?

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From The Spy Gadgets R us Team