

1.  Pusti, SanjoySarkar, Rudra P.   Spectral analysis for radial sections of some homogeneous vector bundles on certain noncompact Riemannian symmetric spaces. Israel J. Math.183 (2011), 475–507. 

2. Pusti, Sanjoy; Ray, Swagato K.; Sarkar, Rudra P.  Wiener-Tauberian type theorems for radial sections of homogeneous vector bundles on certain rank one Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type. Math. Z. 269 (2011), no. 1-2, 555–586.

3. Pusti, Sanjoy  An analogue of Krein's theorem for semisimple Lie groups.Pacific J. Math. 254 (2011), no. 2, 381–395. 

4.  Pusti, Sanjoy; Sarkar, Rudra P.  Spectral analysis on SL(2,ℝ). Manuscripta Math. 140 (2013), no. 1-2, 13–28.

5. Pusti, Sanjoy  An analogue of Bochner's theorem for Damek-Ricci spaces. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 19 (2013), no. 2, 270–284.

6. Narayanan, E. K.; Pasquale, A.; Pusti, S.  Asymptotics of Harish-Chandra expansions, bounded hypergeometric functions associated with root systems, and applications. Adv. Math. 252 (2014), 227–259.

7. Ludwig, Jean; Molitor-Braun, Carine; Pusti, Sanjoy Spectral synthesis in L2(G). Colloq. Math. 138 (2015), no. 1, 89–104.

8. Parui, Sanjay; Pusti, Sanjoy  Revisiting Beurling's theorem for Fourier-Dunkl transform. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 26 (2015), no. 9, 687–699.

9. Pusti, Sanjoy; Samanta, Amit Wiener Tauberian theorem for rank one semisimple Lie groups and for hypergeometric transforms. Math. Nachr. 290 (2017), no. 13, 2024–2051.

10. Bhowmik, Mithun; Pusti, Sanjoy; Ray, Swagato K  Theorems of Ingham and Chernoff on Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type. Journal of Functional analysis,  (2020) volume 279, Issue 11. 

11. Bhowmik, Mithun; Parui, Sanjay; Pusti, Sanjoy, Ingham-type theorems for the Dunkl Fourier transforms. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 67 (2022), no. 5, 1031–1045.

12. Bhowmik, Mithun ; Pusti  Sanjoy and Ray, Swagato K. A theorem of Chernoff on quasi-analytic functions for Riemannian symmetric spaces; IMRN (to appear).

13.  Bhowmik, Mithun; Pusti Sanjoy, An extension problem and Hardy's inequality for the fractional Laplace-Beltrami operator on Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type, J. Funct. Anal. 282 (2022), no. 9, Paper No. 109413, 40 pp.

14. Pusti, Sanjoy; Ray Swagato K, Ramanujan's master theorem for radial sections of line bundles over the Poincaré upper half plane. Math. Nachr. (to appear).

15. Jotsaroop K.; Pusti Sanjoy, Ramanujan’s Master Theorem for Sturm Liouville operator. Monatsh. Math. 199 (2022), no. 3, 555–593..

16.Pusti Sanjoy, Rana Tapendu, L^p-boundedness of Pseudo differential operators on rank one Riemannian symmetric spaces of noncompact type, Math. Z. (to appear)
