What Happens During A Sprinkler System Blow Out?

Once you have your water turned off it is best to hire professionals to winterize your pipes by “blowing out” your system.

What happens when lawn care professionals winterize your system with this method?

  1. First, an industrial grade air compressor is used to “Winterize” the system.
  2. Each yard has several zones that make up the sprinkler system. Each zone is “blown out” by hooking up the air compressor up to the main valve.
  3. Next, the air is slowly released into the pipes in each zone and expel the water until no further water is coming out. (It is important to have professionals winterize your pipes because they know the proper PSI (pounds per square inch) that your pipes can handle and how to safely extract the water.)
  4. Once all the water has been expelled, the system is examined including the pipes, valves, and anything else regarding your system that might need attending to, to prepare for winter.

In order to get the best results schedule an appointment with Total landscape and sprinkler today. We can do everything regarding your sprinkler system and will make sure it’s safe and set for success!