
Current Funding


ThinQ: Terahertz quantum sensing with bilayer graphene quantum dots in resonators

(Duration 2024-2027)

Funded by the Swedish research council within FLAG-ERA III: Graphene basic research, project number, 2023-06205_3.

In collaboration with Juliette Mangeney, ENS Paris, and Christoph Stampfer, RWTH Aachen.

ERC Consolidator grant 

NanoRecycle: "On-chip waste recovery in quantum and nanoscale devices guided by novel performance quantifiers"

(Duration 2024-2028)

Funded by the European research council under grant agreement 101088169.

FET Open


(This project has received funding from the European Union's H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862683; Duration 2020-2024)

funded by 2D-Tech+GENIE+Energy Area of Advance at Chalmers

Postdoc support

Previous Funding and Networks

VR Project grant on 

Heat current fluctuations and their impact on local temperatures and potentials

"Värmeströmsfluktuationer och dens inverkan på lokala temperaturer och potentialer" 

(project number: 2018-05061, duration 2019-2023)

DFG  Graduate School (GRK 1995) 


Quantum many-body methods in condensed matter systems

(Duration: 2014-2019 and 2019-2023)

GENIE at Chalmers

Project funding

to install a Family Room at MC2, Chalmers

Duration: 2020-2021

Short term project

Thermal Probes of Topological States of Matter

Duration: 2021

Wallenberg Academy Fellows 

Career program for young researchers 

Financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

Duration: 2014-2019

COST Action 


Thermodynamics in the quantum regime


Project on 

"Exploiting and controlling heat currents" 

(Duration 2014-2019)

NRW Rückkehrerprogramm

“Programm zur Förderung der Rückkehr des wissenschaftlichen

Spitzennachwuchses aus dem Ausland”:

5-year grant for establishing a research group; awarded by

the Ministry of Innovation, North-Rhine Westphalia.


Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments

Seed Fund at the RWTH Aachen, funded through the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments

Project on: "Spin caloritronics in time-dependent quantum systems"

(Duration: 2013)

Priority program of the DFG 

SPP1243 "Molecular Transport"

Project on: "Adiabatic time-dependent transport through single-molecule transistors: interaction- and higher-order tunneling effects"
