April Sermons

Pastor Gregg's Sermon 4-26-15

In this Sunday's lesson from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor Gregg shows us Jesus' desire to feed his people.

Pastor Gregg's Sermon 4-19-15

Pastor Gregg's Sermon 4-12-15

What is the difference between now and last Sunday? Is it the same? Pastor Gregg challenges us to think about this "Sameness".

Easter Sunday!

Pastor Patty Frick, of Atlantic Methodist Church, delivers the Ocean City Maryland Easter Sunrise service message: Just as Patty announces the joy of Jesus being risen, and: "Jesus is the light of the world" the sun comes up!

April 5, 2015. Pastor Gregg reflects on experiencing "The Risen Jesus"

Good Friday evening April 3, 2015 Pastor Gregg's reflections on how Jesus was scourged helps us to appreciate even more the joy, hope, forgiveness and grace we all receive because of His great Love for us!

Maunday Thursday April 2, 2015. Pastor Biles reminds us of the gifts of Love,Grace and Forgiveness represented in the body and blood of Jesus Christ as we leave our Lenten focus on "The Body of Christ". Today, Pastor Biles focuses on "The Blood of Christ" as we enter the solemnity of "The Triduum"