F - Groups

Some of the Spirix functions, such as Morphing, require the creation of one or more Spirix Groups. In order to create a group that maintains the specific order of the geometry, the geometry must first be created in the order that it is to be used. It is then added to a group using the Spirix Group function and given a name. Then the original geometry must be deleted before continuing (note that since version 0.93, the geometry is auto-deleted). When referring to the Group(s) in the Spirix Surface function, the name of the Group or Groups can then be utilized.

For example, a circle is used to create a Spirix Group called "shape1":

This Group can now be used to extrude a cone (for example):

If using the Morphing functionality, a second Group must be created that has an identical number of node points in its boundary. Additionally, it is desirable that these two sets of points physically correspond to each other in an orderly one-to-one relationship.

For example, the Group "shape1" one (above) is a circle comprised of twenty-four points. If it was desired to "morph" this circular shape into a rectangle, the rectangle must also be made up of twenty-four points. One way to do this would be to create a rectangle and divide it into the appropriate number of line segments and then put it into another Group called "shape2":

The two Groups can now be used to generate a Morphing extrusion (such as might be used in a vacuum cleaner assembly):

Using the same parameters, but changing the Morphing Interpolation from Linear to Sine gives a more pleasing effect:

Using "shape1" again for Extrusion in the negative Z direction (and smoothing) adds a twenty inch pipe to the vacuum head:

Reminder: Any ungrouped geometry will be used for both the Spirix Group and Surface functions. When a Spirix Group is created, all ungrouped geometry is copied to a named Group in the order that it was created. Afterward, the ungrouped geometry must be deleted or grouped separately (note that since version 0.93, the geometry is auto-deleted). Failure to do so will result in the ungrouped geometry unintentionally being used in subsequent Spirix operations.

NOTE: Some models that were created with Spirix can be found at https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/user.html?id=1824658900641239202016828