
Spike train plot of e070528spont_2

Short summary of e070528spont_2

A spike train with 1173 events, starting at: 0.002 and ending at: 60.441 (s).

The mean ISI is: 0.052 and its SD is: 0.081 (s).

The shortest interval is: 0.004 and the longest is: 0.654 (s).

Renewal test of e070528spont_2

The best model with 2 parameters is: invgauss.

Its estimated parameters values and associated se are:

Model comparison for e070528spont_2

Cross-Intensity with neuron 1 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.002):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.6577766 -0.1674086 -0.0252796 0.1712983 0.6971602

Residual sum of squares: 208.9663

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.6407833 -0.5933389 -0.0881477 0.6006077 2.2633205

Deviance: 213.8335

Null deviance: 247.8234

Penalty associated with the fit: 2.843334

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 16

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Cross-Intensity with neuron 3 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.001):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.46481086 -0.12558051 0.00996616 0.12031436 0.59650124

Residual sum of squares: 531.539

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-3.0487467 -0.7649250 0.0652146 0.6982617 3.2480310

Deviance: 535.5106

Null deviance: 540.1533

Penalty associated with the fit: 1.195218

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 41

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Cross-Intensity with neuron 4 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.001):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.59472036 -0.15564225 -0.00181811 0.15700549 0.81712929

Residual sum of squares: 501.8186

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-3.00473592 -0.71779079 -0.00814915 0.69123425 3.25967453

Deviance: 507.156

Null deviance: 515.2597

Penalty associated with the fit: 2.134552

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 23

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Generated on: Tue Oct 28 17:05:29 2008 - R2HTML