Open Letter FoI and Other Referenced Documents

Below are coloured links to references not otherwise available in the public domain, including those obtained via FoI applications. The numbering is that given in the supporting information attachment for the Open Letter.

The letter with the attachment is available as a PDF at the following link: Open Letter download link

Reference links

[4]. Water NSW, ‘Dendrobium Area 38 - Application for Approval to Extract Longwalls 14-18’, D2016/32556, Apr. 2016.

[5] P. Turner, ‘Some Concerns Regarding Groundwater Impact Assessments for Coal Mines in NSW’, NSW National Parks Association, Dec. 2016. [Online].

[6] P. Tammetta, ‘Preliminary Assessment of Methods for Estimating Streamflow Losses in the Special Areas’, Prepared for WaterNSW WNS001, Nov. 2018.

[20] P. Turner, Concerns arising from flawed groundwater impact assessments in NSW’, NSW National Parks Association, Letter to NSW Minister for Planning, Jul. 2015.

[21] P. Hannam, ‘BHP’s coal mine approved in Sydney’s catchment without groundwater assessment’, Sydney Morning Herald, Jul. 31, 2015.

[26] P. Turner, ‘Some comments on the proposed extraction plan for Longwalls 305 to 307 at the Metropolitan Colliery and related matters’, National Parks Association of NSW, Mar. 2020.

[33] WaterNSW, ‘WaterNSW comments on lllawarra Coal’s application for first workings for Dendrobium Longwall 16 within the Avon Dam Notification Area, Letter to Dams Safety Committee 020181115179, Oct. 2018.

[34] S. Brown, ‘Review of groundwater monitoring at WC21 – Update February 2018’, HGEO Pty Ltd, HGEO Pty Ltd for Illawarra Coal and South32 D17280', Feb. 2018.

[35] Metropolitan Coal, ‘Metropolitan Coal Six Monthly Report 1 January to 30 June 2019’, Peabody, MET-19-20 00995871-002.

[39] Water NSW, ‘Dendrobium Area 3B - Response to Submissions on SMP application for Longwall 16’, 2018/146566, May 2018.

[45] ‘Impact of Longwall Mining on Water Resources in Waratah Rivulet - An Update’, Sydney Catchment Authority, Science presentation to SCA Executive, 2011.

[46] Michael Williams & Associates Pty Ltd, ‘Qualitative Risk Assessment of Longwall Coal Mining in the Southern Coalfield of NSW: Key outcomes of a workshop hosted by Sydney Catchment Authority’. Jul. 24, 2013.

[47] P. Turner, ‘Some Comments on the revised draft water management plan for Longwalls 23 to 27 at the Metropolitan Colliery, Letter to Sam Haddad Director General NSW Department of Planning, Mar. 2014.

[49] WaterNSW, ‘Supplementary comments on Dendrobium Area 3B - Application for SMP Approval to extract Longwall 16’, WaterNSW, D2018/11146, Feb. 2018.

[53] WaterNSW, ‘Dendrobium Area 38 - Application for SMP Approval to extract Longwall 16’, WaterNSW, D2017/144759, Dec. 2017.

[57] P. Turner, ‘Some Comments on the 2017 PSM, Galvin and Mackie height of cracking reports for the Dendrobium coal mine’, National Parks Association of NSW, Jul. 2018.

[60] M. Krogh, ‘Assessment of Impacts over Dendrobium Mine’. NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, Aug. 31, 2012.

[70] NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, ‘Upland Swamp Environmental Assessment Guidelines - Guidance for the underground mining industry operating in the southern coalfield’. NSW Government, Aug. 2012.

[72] B. K. Hebblewhite, F. Kalf, and T. McMahon, ‘Woronora Reservoir Strategy Report – Stage 1: Metropolitan Coal Longwall mining near and beneath Woronora Reservoir’, Sep. 2017.

[73] Sydney Catchment Authority, ‘Longwall Mining - Presentation to SCA Board’, 2011.

[74] B. K. Hebblewhite, F. Kalf, and T. McMahon, ‘Woronora Reservoir Strategy Report – Stage 2: Metropolitan Coal Longwall mining near and beneath Woronora Reservoir’, Jun. 2019.