Cathedral Recordings

This page has links to recordings of our choir over the past 40 years. These recordings are all full services - and unedited - although on some recordings the two readings have been cut out. Move the 'play' arrow along to hear different sections of each service. Occasional flaws and fluctuations in speed are due to faults on the original cassettes.

Lincoln Cathedral - January 1982 (Evensong with carols)

This is what the choir sounded like soon after I took over ... Listen for all the changes (hopefully for the better) that have taken place over the years ...

'In the beginning was the word'; Ferial Responses; Psalms 85 and 87; Stanford in C; O Thou the Central Orb + three carols: Silent Night, The Shepherds Cradle Song, Ding Dong Merrily. Christians Awake.
Lincoln 1982.mp3

Salisbury Cathedral - August 17th 1982

Music includes: Ayleward Responses; Watson in E; Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)


Lincoln Cathedral - January 1983

Lincoln Jan 1983.mp3

Liverpool Cathedral - April 1983

Music includes Ayleward Responses; This Joyful Eastertide; Watson in E; Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem

Liverpool Cathedral.mp3

Chester Cathedral - Mattins April 1983

Music list to follow ...

Psalm 121 - soloists James Quinton and Paul Ashton

Chester Mattins.mp3

Chester Cathedral Sung Eucharist - April 1983

Music list to follow ..

Chester Eucharist.mp3

Chester Cathedral Evensong - April 1983

Music list to follow ..

Chester Evensong.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - September 1983

Peterborough 1983.mp3

Winchester Cathedral - August 17th 1983

winchester 1983 1.mp3

Winchester Cathedral - August 18th 1983

O Lord, Increase My Faith; Ayleward Responses; Psalm 94; Dyson in D, Ave Verum Corpus (Elgar) and Ye Holy Angels Bright
Winch 1983 2.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - Lessons & Carols - January 1984

Lincoln Jan 1984 Carols.mp3

St Paul's Cathedral Evensong - April 1984

Music includes Smith Responses; Wood in F; How Lovely are thy dwellings (Brahms)

St Pauls 1984.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - October 1984

Peterborough oct 1984.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - October 1985

O Lord, Increase my Faith; Ayleward Responses; Stanford in A; Like as the Hart; City of God - with descant.
Pboro Oct 85.mp3

Norwich Cathedral - November 1985

Norwich 1985.mp3

Ely Cathedral - March 1986

ely March 1986.mp3

Southwell Minster - April 1986

Southwell April 1986.mp3

Winchester Cathedral - August 1986 (1)

Winch 1986 1.mp3

Winchester Cathedral - August 1986 (2)

Thou Knowest Lord; Clucas Responses; Watson in E; Many Waters Cannot Quench Love; Ye Holy Angels Bright.
winch aug 1986 2.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - January 1987

Lincoln 2016.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - December 1996 (Carols)

Lincoln Carols Dec 1996.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - January 2012

linc jan 2012.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - January 2013

linc jan 2013.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - July 2013

Peterborough July 2013.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - June 2014

Peterborough June 2014.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - 2016

Peterborough May2016.mp3

Lincoln Cathedral - January 2017

Lincoln 2017.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - 2017

Pboro 2017.mp3

Peterborough Cathedral - 2018 (part only ...)

Peterborough 2018 part.mp3

St. George's Chapel, Windsor - 30th May 2018

SGC Evensong.mp3

St. Paul's Cathedral - 27th May 2019

St Paul's 27th May 2019.mp3

Westminster Abbey - 13th August 2019

Westminster Abbey 1.mp3