Low Sunday - Easter 2

10.30am Parish Eucharist

Common Praise

Entry               380 (omit vv 4 & 6) At the name of Jesus

Gradual         468 I danced in the morning

Offertory       555 Praise my soul

Communion   Christ has no body now but yours

475 Immortal Love

Post Communion 150   Love’s redeeming work is done

6.30 pm Evensong

Entry                             162 Ye choirs of New Jerusalem

Introit                             O Come ye servants of the Lord   (Tye)   

Responses                    Sanders

Psalm                            122

Office hymn                  159 (tune 145) The strife is o'er

Magnificat                      Chant 127

Nunc Dimittis                Chant 342               

Anthem                         This Joyful Eastertide

Hymn                            150   Love's redeeming work is done