Curates and Lay Readers

Spalding Parish Church has always been known for helping to train up-and-coming Vicars - known as Curates in the Church of England. Many of these had not worked with choirs (or choirmasters) before, and often found the sung parts of the service quite a challenge. Over the years we have done our best to help with this aspect of their training - and where singing was obviously not their forte, they have preferred a choir member to sing their parts in the service.

Looking back over 40 years, I think on the whole that all the curates were supportive in one way or another of our choir - and for that I thank them all.

In 1981 when I took over as Choirmaster, Rev. Philip Auden was our curate. He was followed by Rev. Patrick Genereux (who introduced our first Open Evening Concert). Rev. Leslie Acklam arrived in 1983, and went on to became Vicar of St. Paul's Church, Fulney in 1985.

Rev. Gary Ingram arrived in 1983 - and worked hard to promote youth work within the church - especially a group called 'The Young Disciples'. Overlapping during the same period came Rev. Catherine Davies, followed by Rev. Geoffrey Ravalde.

In 1991 Rev. Henry Jansma arrived, and a year later was joined by Rev. Anne McCormick. Rev. Alan Fiddyment arrived in 1996, and is still well-known in Spalding in his 'retirement'.

John Bruce was ordained Deacon in 1998, and ordained Priest in 1999. He remained at Spalding until 2005 (tbc) when he became Vicar of the Harlaxton group of parishes, near Grantham.

John Bruce

Rev. Ken Steventon also arrived in 1996, and for the first five years of the new Millennium, Rosamund Seal was our Curate. Jay Bower was also Curate at the same time - just for two years. Rev. Alison Cox followed Jay Bower, and in 2007 Rev. David Clune took up residence in the Chantry (7 Church Street) - with his interesting hobby of bee-keeping. At the same time, Rev. Vaughan Pollard arrived, also as our Associate Vicar, when St Paul's Church also became the responsibility of the clergy here.

Mike Chesher

Associate Vicar 2012-2016

Frankie Lee

Assistant Curate 2012-2015

Aileen Workman

Assistant Curate 2015-2019

Associate Vicar 2019-present

Rev. Mike Chesher and Rev. Frankie Lee both arrived in Spalding in 2012, and over a period of time Mike then took more of a responsibility for St. Paul's Church, and Weston, St. Mary's. Frankie was extremely keen on working with the choir, and regularly came to rehearsals and enjoyed listening to the choir sing. It is due to Frankie's involvement with the choir that we later received his invitiation to sing at the world-famous St. George's Chapel, Windsor. We are all extremely grateful to Frankie for instigating and arranging this most memorable and special visit.

Aileen is the fifth female curate during my time as choirmaster. On the whole I found that they have generally had slightly less involvement with the choir. Aileen has been the exact opposite. She has become involved in every aspect of the choir, and comes to choir rehearsals, choir club, and as many outings as her busy schedule will allow. I know that she has a great love of the choir, and I also know how much the choirmembers - and I - appreciate her support. Thank you Aileen.

Evan McWilliams

Assistant Curate 2018-present

Rev. Evan McWilliams arrived in 2018, and is also very interested in supporting the choir. Evan sings with the choir during rehearsals, and enjoys joining us for choir club. I know that he thoroughly enjoyed the special visits last year to St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.

Thank you to all of our curates for the support you have each given to me and to the choir over the years. Sometimes it must be difficult, whilst in training, to find the correct balance in maintaining tradition whilst also looking forward to modern-day worship. As I have said before - at Spalding we seem to have the best of both worlds - and that is largely due to the wisdom of our clergy - our vicars and curates.

Our current Lay Readers ...

Sue Slater

Dr. Peter Gorton

Sue Slater was licenced as a Lay Reader on 12th October 2013. She was awarded a first class degree in Theology at Lincoln the following year.

Dr. Peter Gorton was licensed as a Lay Reader on September 17th 1988.