Special Events and Excursions

This section will list events that do not appear under any other headings. They are not listed in chronological order. Where possible, additional information has been (or will be) provided, together with any photographs that can be located...

  • Carol Singing at Springfields

The choir was asked to sing carols at various venues around Spalding. These photos were taken in the function room at Springfields (now demolished.)

Harvest Festival and Carols at Weston Hills

For many years our choir visited the small church at Weston Hills to help lead the singing. This invitiation originally came about after I had built a very small pipe organ for the church. Each year the choir was invited to sing at Harvest time, and also at Christmas. There were often more people in the choir than in the congregation. In recent years we have dropped this tradition - as attending a 3rd service on a Sunday is now too demanding for us all!

  • Choir visit to Blakeney (Details and photos in the 'OUTINGS' section)

  • Visits to Brant Broughton Church

Our choir went to Brant Broughton Church twice, - the visits initiated by Tim Clark, who was our Assistant Organist.

His father had been Rector at Brant Broughton, and so he had family connections there

The first visit was on 10th October 2011 which was the 50th anniversary of his father's installation as Rector in 1961, and also to mark the erection of a plaque in his memory (he died in 2005). The choir sang I was Glad and Stanford in C.

The second outing was on 14th July 2013 when the choir sang Dyson in F and The Central Orb.

As the church had no facilities, Tim had arranged for everyone to be able to use the toilet facilities outside a house along the lane. For some reason we had been told that no-one lived in the house, but that the toilet, in an outhouse, could be used. After the rehearsal everyone - choir members and parents and other supporters wandered down the lane to the house with the toilet. At this point we had about 20 minutes before we needed to get robed ready for the service.

One at a time the boys began to use the loo, and then a couple of ladies requested the use of the facilities more urgently ...

Time was pressing on, and there were still about 40 people waiting to use this one toilet so, as no-one was supposed to be occupying the adjoining house, I suggested that the boys could, if they wanted, go round the back of the hedge in the garden. After a general scamper round the back of the hedge - boys all lined up and having a wee, a very irate lady emerged from the house shouting and waving her hands in horror.

It appeared that the house was in fact occupied - and the occupant was, of course, not at all amused and wondered what on earth we were all doing. I spent the next 10 minutes trying to pacify her, and explained that we were all very sorry, but had been told no-one was living there. She eventually accepted our reasons for doing this, and accepted my apology. In the end she even came to Evensong to hear the choir sing.

The next time we visited Brant Broughton we did not make the same mistake again ...

  • Carol singing at the (old) Johnson Hospital

Each year on Christmas Eve, members of our choir would meet at the Johnson Hospital in Priory Road to sing carols. We would sing in the entrance hall at the bottom of the staircase, and then go up to sing in the two main wards on the first floor. We usually finished by singing Away in a Manger in the maternity ward. In the early years we then went across the road to sing in the Avalon Wards - which were opposite the Johnson Hospital on the site of the car park adjacent to the South Holland District Council offices.

  • Concert at Spalding Baptist Church with organist Nigel Ogden

Our choir was invited to take part in a concert at the Spalding Baptist Church, in Swan Street. The concert was organised by Ted Crampton, and the choir was accompanied by Alfred Furnish. The organist for the solo items was the famous Nigel Ogden - presenter of the Radio 2 show 'The Organist Entertains'.

Looking back over the years, we were certainly busy - and of course the lists below do not include all the normal weekly practices and Sunday services!

  • A snapshot of some of the many events we had in 1987 ...

19.1. United service MN & St Pauls21.2. football at Louth7.3. trip to Ice Rink21.3. bar snack meal for seniors and young men26.3. service to welcome new bishop4.4. Sponsored sing 2-5 - 100 hymns8.5. Tuliptime concert25.5. Royal Albert Hall - 4 boys in choir, 20 in congregation29.5. Concert at Baptist church with Nigel Ogden30.5. Outing to P'boro cathedral to hear Southern Cathedral Singers31.5. 3pm - service at Gedney Church5.6. The choir achieved the Bishop's award with Distinction 7.6. 5.45pm choir photo taken by Les Prudden before Evensong10.6. Tenpin bowling13.6. RSCM Festival M&N (I have Order of Service)24.6. coffee morning at Mrs Brittain's house18.7. RSCM at Lincoln27.7 - 1.8. junior choir camp1.8. - 7.8. senior choir camp9.9. Tenpin bowling at Wittering14.9. David Guttridge funeral2.10. Harvest supper (service 7pm, supper till 9)9.10. Open Evening14.10 Visit from Louth choir24.10. Alton Towers31.10 Peterborough Evensong9.12. some boys singing at Moulton Church with South Holland Singers23.12 choir party in Maples Room

.. and in 1988 / 1989 ...

1.2.88 AGM for Choirmembers and Parents4.2.88 some items from 'Sing a New Song' broadcast on Radio Cambridgeshire4.6.88 outing to Peterborough to hear SCS11.6.88 another sponsored sing, 10 - 12.30, raising over £30025.6.88 Geoffrey Ravalde ordination9.7.88 Philip Norwood induction24.8.88 Winchester Cathedral visits23.10.88 special service for St John's Ambulance9.11.88 Weston Hills Centenary service26.11.88 concert at Kirton Methodist Church27.12.88 recording in Boston Stump21.5.89 Church Lads' Brigade service15.6.89 Townswomen's Guild Diamond Jubilee service (Thursday)21.6.89 visit of Stamford choir to choir club/joint practice10.7.89 cricket match at rugby club16.7.89 social event with food (£7 per head) at Laburnum House for choir + adults1.10.89 Civic Service18.12.89 Rotary dinner carols19.12.89 carols at Grenoble

.. and during the 1990s ...

19.5.90 - sponsored 100 hymn sing raised over £4009.6.90 - RSCM Day16.9.90 - Martin How workshopSep 90 - letter about choir club safety. club to end 7.30Oct90 - Open Evening, which, together with coffee morning, raised over £30026 10 90 - Wilf Bishop funeralMon 10.12.90 - Town carol service with South Holland Singers, repeated on Wed 12th at Long Sutton 17.3.91 - cheese + wine at Laburnam House8.6.91 - RSCM Day26-30.8.91 camp - Norfolk15.+16.12.91 - carols at Springfields (8 team leaders) 4.4.92 - jumble sale12.4.92 - social evening at Laburnam House to celebrate John Holmes' 50 years membership of the choir15.5.92 - concert at Sutton Bridge16.5.92 - wedding at Fleet 28.5.92 - Ascension Day service 6.6.92 - RSCM Day cancelled27.6.92 - sponsored sing19.11.92 - Mrs Ingle's Fundraising Day17.12.92 - carols at Pinchbeck Hall 26.2.93 - Team leaders in Rotary concert at Priory SchoolSat. 10.4.93 - Easter Eve choral evensong23.5.93 - AGMFri. 28.5.93 Sponsored Sing 7 - 8.305.6.93 - RSCM Day3.7.93 - wedding at Pinchbeck church (John Didlock)23-27.8.93 camp in Norfolk28.12.93 - special service at RC church8.12.93 - 5 singers in concert at old people's home in Stamford 14.9.94 Martin Wheatley funeral19.12.94 John Porter funeral 29.1.95 - parish tea party followed by Candlemas evensong22.2.95 - Diane Allen funeralSat 29 & Sun 30 April (3pm) THE LAND - at Gedney church25.5.95 - Ascension Day service2.7.95 - joint Evensong at Deeping St James15.7.95 - Newark20.8.95 - VJ Day service at Ayscoughfee28.10.95 - dedication of new pipe organ at St Thomas' Road3.11.95 - Friday practice attended by RSCM Commissioner 7.6.96 - concert at Baptist church6.7.96 - Evensong at Lincoln11.8.96 - trip to Grimsthorpe Castle + evensong8.10.96 - D.Eggleton funeral23.11.96 - Kirton Methodist Church - concert 6.1.97 (Mon) - Epiphany service at Deeping St NIcholas (voluntary attendance)1.2.97 - London theatre outing8.5.97 - Ascension Day9.5.97 - sponsored sing - raised £50011.6.97 - John Wardle attends practice6.7.97 - East Midlands choirs festival at M&N31.8.97 - outing to Hunstanton, followed by Evensong at Long Sutton14.9.97 - Deanery afternoonTu 16.9.97 - Joyce Jakeman funeral 28.1.98 - visit to Durham planned (this event did not happen)6.6.98 - RSCM day19.6.98 - Colin Martin funeral25.7.98 - wedding at Langtoft18.9.98 - induction of our new vicar, Philip Norwood31.10.98 - RSCM Grantham 12.6.99 - RSCM afternoon at Holbeach
  • Dedication service at Brothertoft

After I had built a small two manual pipe organ for the church at Brothertoft, our choir went to Brothertoft Church to sing at the Dedication Service. The church is in a field, with no roadway - so the only access was (and still is) through a field which is home to a herd of cows - and bulls... Thankfully our cassocks were blue and not red!

After the service refreshments were laid on in the church hall, adjacent to the road. This is when we almost left Malcolm Holloway behind ...

  • Concert at Sutton Bridge

Councillor David Dewsberry was a great supporter of our choir, and presented the awards at several of our Open Evening Concerts. He arranged for our choir to perform at a concert in Sutton Bridge Church. We travelled by coach, and unfortunately the swing bridge was closed, and the traffic was at a standstill. We all had to get off the coach about 1/4 of a mile from the church, and walk the rest of the way ...

Raising the Roof - Concert

Malcolm Grief (Director of the South Lincs United Chorale) organised a concert in Spalding Parish Church to help raise funds for replacing the lead on our church roof. All choirs from the Spalding area were invited, and the concert took place on Saturday 21st June 2003. Joining our choir were the South Holland Singers, Cantemus, South Lincs United Chorale, St. John's Church Choir - and any other singers who wanted to join in! The school choir from Spalding Parish Church Day School also joined us.

  • Weddings

The choir has sung at two weddings of former choristers, and we thank both of you for inviting us to be part of your special day.

Phil Whitaker was a long-serving choir member in the 1980s and 1990s and the choir sang at his wedding to Helen in 1990 (photo in the photo album) - and Chris Scotney has been a member since 1992.

  • 700th Anniversary Celebrations

In 1984 our church celebrated its 700th anniversary. The main part of the church was built in 1284, with subsequent additions and alterations over the centuries.

Various musical events were held during the year, and Eric Wayman composed a special introit / anthem for the occasion: 'Almighty and eternal God, increase in us your gift of faith ...' which can be heard on the recording Sing a New Song in the Commercial Recordings section.

  • Music at Burghley House

Our choir visited Burghley House and sang music in one of the rooms. I cannot recall why this was arranged - by Jennifer Chappell. I remember we sang in a group on a balcony, and I had to play a tiny electronic keyboard to accompany the choir ... I also remember that most of the boys were more interested in playing cricket outside on the grass than looking around the house.

  • .. and if you are interested - some choir events since 2000

29.4.00 invitation to concert at Burtey Fen (David Shepherd) June 2000 - 2 boys went to Speyer with David Jones in Spalding Millennium Singers for big choir festival (9 choirs from 7 countries) - that was Edward Bailey and Marc Reeve9.7.00 - Blakeney/Morston Quay10.9.00 - civic service28.11.00 - RSCM at Lincoln 28.4.01 - wedding at Broad Street20.5.01 - RSCM at Boston 15.2.02 Eileen Didlock - thanksgiving service14.7.02 - Blakeney/Military Museum 21.6.03 - Choirs' concert at M&N 22.3.04 - Rex Pitts - funeral 2007 - the coach got stuck at Lincoln17.6 07 - Evensong at Boston Stump - choirs of Spalding/Boston/Louth 30.8.08 - 'Joseph' at Adelphi Theatre, London 28.2.09 - 15 boys in concert at Long Sutton28.5.09 - 'Oliver!' at Theatre Royal, Drury Lane2009 Christmas cards by John Holmes with choice of several photos 25.3.10 - John Bennett induction2010 Easter holidays training19.6.10 - Betty Pitts - funeral9.10.10 - RSCM in LIncoln7.11.10 - Open Evening raised £460 2.5.11 - 30 years to celebrate Nick as Choirmaster2011 summer outings started8.10.11 - RSCM in Lincoln9.10.11 - Brant Broughton 3.3.12 - Chris Scotney - wedding17.3.12 - concert with Cantemus (boys)23.9.12 - presentation of BEM to Nick13.10.12 - RSCM at Louth17.10.12 - Jennifer Chappell - thanksgiving service 6.7.13 - Evensong at Peterborough14.7.13 - Brant Broughton5.10.13 - RSCM at Lincoln15.12.13 - full choir photo 14.6.14 - Evensong at Peterborough11.10.14 - RSCM at Grantham23.11.14 - Festival Evensong with choirs from Deanery (part of MaNiFest music festival) 10.4.15 - John Didlock thanksgiving service4.7.15 - Evensong at Peterborough26.7.15 - after Evensong - concert by youth choir from Speyer9.9.15 - visit from Peterborough Cathedral's Precentor at 11am11.10.15 - RSCM at Boston 2016 the year when Saturday training started in earnest14.5.16 - Evensong at Peterborough28.5.16 - Michael Townsend - thanksgiving service22.7.16 - choir party after Evensong 12.4.17 - 'Joseph' at Embassy Theatre, Skegness6.5.17 - Evensong at Peterborough11.6.17 - informal meeting after Evensong14.10.17 - George Hay thanksgiving service15.10.17 - party to celebrate Peter Gorton's 70th birthday and John Holmes' 75 years in the choir 30.5.18 - Windsor Castle9.6.18 - Evensong at Peterborough 27.5.19 - St Paul's Cathedral15.6.19 - wedding at Gosberton & photos with Sarah Ferguson19.7.19 - practice with Westminster Abbey organist13.8.19 - Westminster Abbey
  • Wedding at Gosberton and meeting the Duchess of York in June, 2019

In 2019 the senior boys of our choir were invited to sing at a wedding in Gosberton Church. We didn't know at the time, but Sarah Ferguson (Duchess of York) was at the service, sitting in the front row of pews. She was obviously impressed by the choir, and after the service she came up and talked to the choir boys, and had a lot of photographs taken. She then, very unexpectedly, arranged for each boy to receive a signed photograph - which I received through the post. I thought that was a very generous, and kind, gesture.