Choir Social events

We decided to hold occasional social events for choir members, and one of the first was a Barbecue at my first home on Spalding Road, Pinchbeck.

We showed slides and cine film of the first choir camp inside the house, and my dad, Rex, worked his magic with the barbecue .... Thankfully it didn't rain.

Next it was time to organise a social event for the older boys and men. We arranged for a meal out at The Granary (near High Bridge). I think we did this for two years running, and then went to another venue - but I cannot remember where...

For the younger men we arranged for evenings at The Fisherman's Arms, where they could play snooker and darts, and have a bar meal. The landlord at that time was quite happy for them to drink shandy with their meal....

Christmas parties became a regular fixture, and were usually held in the Maples Room of the church hall. These photos were taken at the party in December 1982.

and another Christmas party in December 1983

.. and another Christmas party ...

Christmas parties continued to be held for many years, and then the Vicar, Philip Norwood, began to hold a Christmas Social event in the (old) Parsonage on Church Street for all Choirmembers - usually after the service of Lessons and Carols.

Harvest Supper 1984 - with Cider ...

Harvest supper 1984

In recent years Colin Harris has organised a number of social events for the choir - some at the back of the church, some in the church hall, and some outside on the grassy area near the Maples Room. Many other parents have helped with these events, and provided refreshments - but unfortunately I have no photos to share ...