Choir Club

When we decided to introduce choir club to our weekly events in the early 1980s we were given small grants by the Youth Team to buy a snooker table, table tennis table and other small games. Over the years various other items have been introduced. The main hall has always been used for indoor football - and on occasions hockey, and in years gone by occasionally volley ball.

The Maples room now has an additional table tennis table, and a table football is located on the stage.

The coffee lounge has always been used for 'quiet' games - and has a selection of comics, chess sets and other small games. The photo below shows a group from many years ago in the coffee lounge:

The ouside area has been used every year for playing cricket. Many tennis balls have been lost over the Maples Room roof - and one or two on the church roof as well.

In more recent times Mary Bennett has very kindly given up her time to introduce other 'creative' activities to give boys the opportunity to try out other skills.

Choir club is possible with the help of a rota of parents - and their role is vital in the running of choir club, and the choir as a whole. I would like to thank all parents who have helped in any way over the past 40 years, and to those who continue to help to the present day.

In recent years we have held choir club during all school holidays, and it has become a custom to include a snack meal during these occasions. Food has included hot dogs, burgers, chips, pizza and jacket potatoes, as well as a variety of sweets including jelly and ice cream, 'pots of joy' from Morrisons - and cakes made by parents. All of this is only possible with the help of parents - who cook and serve over 30 meals in about 10 minutes.