This page includes a selection of other photos which don't really fit into any of the other sections.

Please let me know if you come across any other photos that could be included on the website.

A photo taken in about 1968 when David Bishop (seated playing the organ) was 7, and I was 12.

The organ as it was in 1971

.. and me playing it aged 15

Choir Outing to a pantomime in Cambridge in 1970

Photo taken outside the choir vestry in 1973 - probably before a wedding

Courtesy of Pat Benn

Rex Pitts with Alf Ground in 1981

Colin Martin's retirement party in April 1981

From left to rightBack row: Rev. P. Auden; Philip Whitaker; Nick Pitts; Richard Tigerdine; Albert Clark; Bernard TyrellFront row: Annie Martin; Colin Martin; Canon Jakeman; Ray Matthews

Les Cross with Nick 1981

A photo taken in the Sheep Market ( not sure when or why we were there ... possibly prior to a Palm Sunday procession)

Not sure when or where this was taken ...

Palm Sunday procession

...and a Palm Sunday procession in April 1987

A rehearsal at some point ....

The farewell party for our curate, Henry Jansma in 1996

Choir Photo

Taken after a wedding (I think)

Outside Pinchbeck Church - 1993 after a wedding

Choir Photo on the platform

Choir at Lincoln Cathedral

Photo of the trebles - date tbc

.. taken at a choir practice - Photo top right shows David Gorton conducting, and Albert Clark sitting in 'his' seat ..

.. more rehearsing ...

When Andrew Clements and Sam Stevens were Head Choristers ...

When James Scotney and James Kingston were Head Choristers ...

More awards ...

and more awards ...

Three generations of the Pitts' family

Rex, Marc and Nick

and more awards ...

In 2006 - a slightly smaller choir after the fire extinguisher event ...

Some of the younger members with our longest serving choir man - John Holmes ...

Boston RSCM Festival awards in 2015

Choir at Ayscoughfee for Remembrance Day 2014

Albert with Head Chorister Luke Muxlow in 2015

Chris Craig and Nick in 2004

Tom Nixon in his RAF uniform with Nick - November 2019