British Empire Medal

In 2012 I received a very unexpected letter from No. 10 Downing Street informing me that I had been nominated to receive a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the Queen's 2012 Birthday Honours.

The BEM was not awarded between 1993 and 2012. It was re-introduced in 2012 to commend ordinary people who had made a difference in the local community.

When I first received this letter, I thought it could be a joke, as it instructed me not to tell anyone else at all about this, but just to reply to say whether or not I would accept this award.

I replied, to say that I would be honoured, and didn't say anything about this - as instructed.

Nearer to the official announcement date in April, I began to find out that certain people within the choir had nominated me for this award, including Joan Buckley, Tim Clark and several others, and gradually I found out what had been taking place without my knowledge.

I had a choice of where to receive the medal, and I chose to have it presented in our church, after a morning service.

Tony Worth, Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, presented the award, which was followed by a celebration in the church.

I was also invited to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace - an amazing day which I will never forget.

The award, and all that followed, was most unexpected, and I feel greatly honoured to have been nominated, and then accepted for this award - and I quote part of the letter '... making a valuable contribution through your work with the choir of all ages to the community of Spalding....'

I still treasure the silver medal which is engraved with my name and date around the edge, and wear it on Remembrance Sunday.

I am very proud of my medal - and a special Thank-You to those who nominated me, and sent letters of support without my knowledge.