SUMMER OUTINGS  Notes for Adults


Many thanks for offering to come with us on the summer outings.


We will all meet together at The Vista, outside the Church about 9.45am, and the coach will leave at 10am.

If there is room you are welcome to leave your car in the turning circle right outside the church.

Please have your phone switched on from 9am so that I can contact you about the outing if necessary.


In addition to the list of items that the children need to bring, adults might like to bring a deck chair - and don’t forget your coat and packed lunch & drink.  

It would be helpful if you are able to bring a spare drink - just in case any of the children forget to bring their own drink.


It would also be a good idea for all adults to have a plastic bag with them, just in case anyone should be sick on the coach journey.

Many thanks,


Nick Pitts 07932 908876