Last updated 7th February 2025

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February outing to Bourne Pool




Photo (above) taken after Evensong on June 30th 2024

Photo taken at the Carol Service on 17th December 2023

Up until 'lockdown' in March 2020, the Choir of St Mary & St Nicolas, Spalding, had 50 members -  24 treble (boy) choristers; 8 junior boys and 18 men.

Currently, in December 2024, we have 60 members: 

23 boy trebles; 2 Junior boys; 5 ladies; 16 girls and 14 men. 


One of the unique qualities of the choir is the number of trebles who remain as members to sing lower parts after their voices have broken, although the Pandemic affected this continuity from treble to lower parts. 

During holiday times a number of of ex-members return from university to sing with us.

The choir has had a reputation as one of the leading choirs in Lincolnshire and has sung at many of the great cathedrals of the country, including St George's Chapel, Windsor in 2018 and St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey in 2019.

The choir leads the singing each week at the 10.30am Eucharist (mainly girls, ladies and some men) and at 6.30pm Evensong (mainly boys and men).   Full Choral Evensong is included once a month,

The choir is one of the few that continues to sing choral services during holiday times, including August.

The choir has a long tradition of choral music and offers a unique musical and educational opportunity to choristers during their time in the choir, and many have achieved awards in our own Chorister Training Scheme. 

Weekly choir practices are held on Fridays from 7.00 to 8pm. 

There is a supervised Choir Club which meets on Wednesdays after school (and also in holiday time) between 3pm and 6pm.  During this time sectional rehearsals are sometimes held with various groups or individuals.

Monthly outings are organised for choir members, and recent outings have taken place to Sutton-on Sea, Ten Pin Bowling, Bourne Indoor Pool, Scalectrix treack racing and The Burtey Fen Collection at Pinchbeck. 

Whilst always aiming for a reasonable musical standard, our over-riding aim is to enhance the music of the services, together with a sense of achievement, team work and enjoyment. 

Membership of the choir requires a sense of commitment and self-discipline, and, besides their musical training, singers are encouraged in loyalty and consideration for others.

Anyone who may be interested in choir membership is invited to contact the Director of Music, Nicholas Pitts, on 01775 766081  for more details or come and meet him after a service.