R. Design Purpose

Design Purpose

Goal #1: As team leader who has been doing the VEX system for 4 years my goal was to build a more complex robot that is able to score both the mobile and the yellow cones

Goal #2: Being able to lift and put the mobile goal into the corner with yellow cones on top

Goal #3: Lift at least 4 yellow cones on top of the mobile goal

Goal #4: Robot that is consistent with little breakdowns

Autonomous Goals: Score the mobile goal with at least one yellow cone, Score on the tall stationary goal.

Design Goals Accomplished to Date:

  • 1/20 Mobile Ferris Wheel lift system a success, however we cant get it off so we need to design something to push it off.

  • 1/27 Pusher completed, however it is not long enough

  • 2/7 Pusher works well

  • 2/14 Designed a Chain bar lift system, was difficult, we had to re-gear it two times and there were a ton of issues with trying to keep it under control.

  • 2/18 Autonomous scores on High goal

  • 2/21 All systems go for RIT, working well, autonomous works, can stack 6 yellow cones on mobile then score it in the 10 point Zone. Need 4 wheel drive to score in the 20 point Zone.