Sourav Ghosh
Contact Information
Ashoka University
Rajiv Gandhi Education City,
Sonipat, Haryana 131029, India
Official email: sourav(dot)ghosh(at)ashoka(dot)edu(dot)in
Semi-official email: sourav(dot)ghosh(dot)bagui(at)gmail(dot)com
Short Bio
I am an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at Ashoka University since January 2021. I received my doctorate from Université Paris Sud in 2015 under the guidance of Prof. François Labourie. I am interested in discrete subgroups of Lie groups and in particular in Higher Teichmüller theory and Hyperbolic Dynamics.
I am also currently the Capstone Thesis coordinator and member of the Doctoral committee at the Department of Mathematics at Ashoka University. Anyone who wants to write a Capstone Thesis, Master's Thesis or a Doctoral Thesis, please have a look at the following link: Mathematics Students Resource.
I am currently on a sabbatical at IHES as a CARMIN fellow for six months starting from January 2025.
“Deformation of Fuchsian representations and proper affine actions" (arXiv).
“Isospectrality of Margulis-Smilga spacetimes for irreducible representations of real split semisimple Lie groups" (arXiv).
“Finite step Rigidity of Hitchin representations and special Margulis-Smilga spacetimes" Math. Annalen, 2025 (arXiv).
“Affine Anosov representations" Proceedings of ICTS conference, 2024 (arXiv).
“Avatars of Margulis invariants and proper actions" Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2024 (arXiv).
“Margulis Multiverse: Infinitesimal Rigidity, Pressure Form and Convexity" Transactions of the AMS, 2023 (journal, arXiv).
(joint with Nicolaus Treib) “Affine Anosov representations and proper actions” International Math. Research Notices, 2022 (journal, arXiv).
“The Pressure metric on the Margulis Multiverse” Geometriae Dedicata, 2018 (journal, arXiv).
“Anosov structures on Margulis spacetimes” Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 2017 (journal, arXiv).
Doctoral Thesis
“Thermodynamiques des espaces-temps de Margulis” under the guidance of Prof. Francois Labourie (2015).
“Mathematics? What’s that?” (Samvad. The Newsletter from Ashoka University, Vol. 25, 2022, online).
“Finite step rigidity” (slides from ICTS Gopal Prasad Conference short talk, 2024).
“Proper affine actions of hyperbolic groups” (slides from Infosys-Chandrasekharan Colloquium talk, 2023).
“Proper affine actions” (slides from my job talk, 2020).
Lecture Notes
“Multivariate Calculus” (2022).
“Linear Algebra” (2021).
“Complex Analysis” (2021).
“Metric and Topological Spaces” (2021).
“Galois' Dream” (differential Galois theory, 2021).
“An Introduction to Complex Geometry” (complex manifolds, 2019).
“Thermodynamic Formalism” (symbolic dynamics, 2017).
“Lie Theory: A Summary” (notes from a talk, 2017).
“Geometry of Surfaces and their Dynamics” (dynamics of hyperbolic surfaces, 2016).
Master's Thesis
“Margulis Space Time : Crooked planes and the Margulis Invariant”** (under the guidance of Prof. Francois Labourie, 2012).
SRFP Project
“Extension of Spectral Theorem to the Infinite Dimensional Case”** (under the guidance of Prof. Gadadhar Misra, 2009).
**Disclaimer: These articles/notes do not contain any original research and even though they contain all the references, at the end in the bibliography, yet inside the main body the references have not been used properly to cite the sources of individual results and sections.
PhD Thesis of Mr. Shubham Kumar (ongoing).
PhD Thesis of Mr. Tuhin Mondal (ongoing).
(jointly with Dr. Kumarjit Saha) Capstone Thesis of Mr. Ojas Kumar titled “Percolation theory on discrete groups” (2022-2023). [Masters student at CMI.]
Capstone Thesis of Mr. Pratik Apshinge titled “Complex structures on surfaces” (2021-2022). [Masters student at Bonn.]
Master's Thesis of Mr. Yibo Zhang titled “Random Walks and Flows on Hyperbolic Surfaces” (Spring 2020). [Doctoral candidate at Grenoble.]
Ashoka University
Calculus (Monsoon 2024-25).
Math in Bio (Monsoon 2023-24).
Foundation Course (Spring 2023-24, 2022-23).
Multivariate Calculus (Monsoon 2023-24, Spring 2022-23, 2021-22).
Geometry and Topology (Monsoon 2022-23).
Real Analysis (Monsoon 2022-23).
Linear Algebra (Spring 2023-24, Monsoon 2023-24, 2021-22).
Complex Analysis (Monsoon 2024-25, Monsoon 2021-22).
Metric and Topological Spaces (Spring 2020-21).
Galois' Dream (Spring 2020-21).
University of Luxembourg
Complex Geometry (Spring 2018-19, 2019-20).
University of Heidelberg
Thermodynamic Formalism (Spring 2016-17).
Geometry of Surfaces and their Dynamics (Spring 2015-16).
University of Paris-Saclay
Scilab (Fall 2014-15).
Organized workshop on Thermodynamic formalism at Ashoka University with Dr. Nishant Chandgotia of TIFR-CAM (Bengaluru), 2023.
Organized Junior Geometry Seminars at Universitat Heidelberg, 2016-17.
PostDoc fellow at University of Luxembourg working with the group of Prof. Jean-Marc Schlenker, 2018-20.
Project leader of SPP2026 at Universität Heidelberg working with the group of Prof. Anna Wienhard, 2017-18.
MATCH fellow at Universität Heidelberg working with the group of Prof. Anna Wienhard, 2015-17.
Received Centre d'accueil et de Rencontres Mathématiques Internationales fellowship (CARMIN 2025) for six months to visit Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) and Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP).
Work cited in the International Congress of Mathematicians 2018 invited talk by Prof. Fanny Kassel.
Received one year research grant from German Research Foundation DFG under the program SPP2026 Geometry at Infinity.
Received Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from the European Union to attend ALGANT Masters programme.
Received INSPIRE Scholarship from the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India for undergraduate studies.
Received Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO 2006) Award from the National Board of Higher Mathematics, India and attended IMO Training Camp twice.
Universite Paris Sud Ph.D. 2015.
Universite Paris Sud M2 2012.
Universita degli studi di Padova M1 2011.
Indian Statistical Institute B.Math. (Hons.) 2010.
RKM Vivekananda Centenary College H. Secondary 2007.
RKM Boys' Home High School Madhyamik (Secondary) 2005.
2024: Gopal Prasad Conference (ICTS Bengaluru), SNU (Noida), FJ-LMI seminar (Tokyo), Geometry in Groups Conference (ICTS Bengaluru), RMS Conference at Christ (Bengaluru).
2023: Nice, Luxembourg, TIFR-CAM (Bengaluru), Infosys-Chandrasekharan Colloquium (TIFR Mumbai), HRI (Prayagraj), Delhi University (DDU College).
2022: ISI (Kolkata), TIFR-CAM (Bengaluru).
2020: TIFR, Ashoka, ISI (Bengaluru), Aussois.**
2019: Journées SL2R (Luxembourg), Higher Teichmüller theory (Pavia), AAN Symposium (Benasque), Nice.
2018: Luxembourg.
2017: Heidelberg-Karlsruhe, Potsdam (Berlin).
2016: Boundaries of groups and representations (WPI, Vienna), Luxembourg, IISc (Bengaluru), IMSc (Chennai), IRMA (Strasbourg).
2015: Presidency, ISI (Kolkata), TIFR (Mumbai), MSRI (Berkeley).
2014: Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs (Bordeaux), RKMVU (Belur).
2013: Orsay.
2025: Nice, Paris
2024: ICTS (Bengaluru), Tokyo, Christ (Bengaluru).
2023: Nice, Luxembourg, IHES (Orsay), Zurich, TIFR-CAM (Bengaluru), TIFR (Mumbai), HRI (Prayagraj).
2022: ISI (Kolkata), TIFR-CAM (Bengaluru), ICTS (Bengaluru).
2020: HIM (Bonn), Braga, ICTS (Bengaluru), Aussois.**
2019: CIRM (Luminy), Pavia, Sete, Cetraro, Nice.
2018: ICTS (Bengaluru), Montevideo, Luxembourg, CIRM (Luminy).
2017: ICTS (Bengaluru), Potsdam, Stanford.
2016: WPI (Vienna), Snow Mountain (Colorado), CalTech (California).
2015: TIFR (Mumbai), Heidelberg, MSRI (Berkeley).
2014: Singapore, CRM de Giorgi (Pisa), Michigan (Ann arbor), Miraflores (Madrid), Heidelberg, IHES (Orsay), CIRM (Luminy).
2013: JNU (New Delhi), ICERM (Providence), Aarhus, ESI (Vienna).
2012: Toulouse, UIUC (Illinois), Autrans.
**cancelled due to Covid-19.