Teaching Experience

1. Research Assistant Professor, (01.08.2022 to Till Date)

    Dept. of ECE,

   SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM University)

   Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

2. Assistant Professor, (02/04/2018 to 31.07.2022)

   Dept. of ECE,

   SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM University)

   Kattankulathur, Chennai, India


1. Electron Devices

2. Fundamentals of MEMS

3. Electron Device Laboratory 

4. Microprocessor Laboratory

5. Nanoscale Devices

6. Electronics Packaging

7. Sensor and Transducer

8. Solid State Semiconductor Devices

1. Next Generation Photovoltaics 

2. Electronics Product Design 

3. Solar Cell & Thin Film Technology 

N.B. Students are advised to meet in Room No. TP1009 at anytime other than my class hours as given below