
Research Interests

PhD Students



MATLAB codes

Improved reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm for symmetric graphs, see below.

The  q-random coordinate constrained algorithms: q-RCC1 and q-RCC2, see also below. 

A Library of structured SDP instances


Papers Under Review


with Frank de Meijer, Mathematical Programming, accepted, 2024.

 with Tijn Fleuren, Yasemin Merzifonluoglu and Joseph Geunes, accepted in Omega, 2024.

with Z. Verchere, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, accepted, 2024. SV test instances and feasible solutions for the QMSTP. 

    with Frank de Meijer,  SIAM Journal on Optimization, , 2023.

    with Lennart Sinjorgo, INFORMS Journal on Computing, accepted,,  2023.

    with Frank de Meijer, Angelika Wiegele and Shudian Zhao, Computers and OR, 151, 2023.

    with Hao Hu and Henry Wolkowicz,  Mathematical Programming, 200:475--529, 2023.  

    with Lennart Sinjorgo,  SIAM Journal on Optimization, 32(2), 1344-1378, 2022.

with Abraham P. Punnen,  In A.P. Punnen (ed.) Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

chapter 6,  p.139 -185, Springer, 2022.

with Olga Kuryatnikova and Juan Vera, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(1): 656--669 2022.

with Frank  de Meijer, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(4):1262--1276, 2021. 

received Meritorious Paper Award, INFORMS Journal on Computing

 with Franz Rendl and Christian Truden,  Computers and Operations Research, 135:105422, 2021.

         with Hao Hu, Annals of Operations Research, 307:229-249, 2021. 

with Frank de Meijer, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 39:1096–1128, 2020.

with H. Hu, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 32(2), 219-233, 2020.

Optimization Methods and Software, 35(6), 1160–-1178, 2020.  (to download codes q-RCC1 and q-RCC2, see below.)

with H. Hu, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35(3): 754–777, 2018.

with F. Rendl, Computational Optimization and Applications, 69(1):159-187, 2018.

Annals of Operations Research, 265(1): 143–154, 2018.

with E.R. van Dam, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 488:216--234, 2016.

with E. de Klerk and U. Truetsch, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(2):378 - 391, 2015.

with E.R. van Dam, Mathematical Programming, Ser B, 151(2): 379-404, 2015.

with E.R. van Dam, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 27(1):75-88, 2015.

with J. Ashayeri, N. Ma, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 77:184 - 197, 2015

with J. Ashayeri, N. Ma, Journal of the Operational Research Society. 66(10): 1669-1685, 2015.

with J. Ashayeri, N. Ma, International Journal of Production Economics, 154:1–15, 2014.

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(1): 16-30, 2014.

with E. de Klerk, M. Nagy, U. Truetsch, European Journal of Operational Research, 233(3): 488-499, 2014.

with T. Terlaky, Optimization, 62(1), 101-114, 2013.

with E. de Klerk, M. Nagy, Optimization Methods and Software, 28(3), 485-500, 2013.

with E. de Klerk, D. Pasechnik, C. Dobre, Mathematical Programming B, 136(2):253-278, 2012.

with N. Boland, A. Bley, C. Fricke, G. Froyland, Mathematical Programming A, 133(1):481-511, 2012.

with E. de Klerk, Mathematical Programming A, 133(1):75--91, 2012.

with Yuichi Takano, Computational Optimization and Applications, 52(3):645-666, 2012.

In M.F. Anjos & J.B. Lasserre (Eds.), Handbook of Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization:

Theory, Algorithms, Software and Applications, 795--820, 2012.

with N. Ma, J. Ashayeri. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability,

Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, 305-–314, 2012

with Y. Takano. MET - Medium Econometric Applications, 18(4), 22-28, 2012.

with J. Ashayeri, N. Ma, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60(1):99-105, 2011.

with A. Mobasher, A.K. Khandani, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58(10):5178--5185, 2010.

with E. de Klerk, Mathematical Programming A, 122(2):225--246, 2010.

with E. de Klerk. Optimization Methods and Software, 24(6):959--971, 2009.

with E. de Klerk, M.W. Newman, D. Pasechnik. European Journal of Combinatorics, 30:879-888, 2009.

with Y. Bai, E. de Klerk, D.V. Pasechnik, Optimization and Engineering, 10(3):331-349, 2009.

with E. de Klerk, D.V. Pasechnik, SIAM J. Optim. 19(4):1559-1573, 2008.

with A. Mobasher, M. Taherzadeh, A.K. Khandani, IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, 53(11): 3869-3886, 2007.

with C. Anand, T. Terlaky, Z. Zheng, Optimization and Engineering, 8(2):215-238, 2007.

with F. Rendl, Mathematical Programming B, 109(2/3):505-524, 2007.

with I. Fischer, G. Gruber and F. Rendl. Mathematical Programming B, 105(2/3):451-469, 2006.

with J. Povh, in: SOR'05 Proceedings of the 8 th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia,

Nova Gorica, Slovenia, September 28-30, 2005.

with A. Mobasher, M. Taherzadeh, A.K. Khandani, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory

(ISIT), Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 2005.

with A. Mobasher, M. Taherzadeh, A.K. Khandani, in Proceedings of Canadian Workshop on Information Theory

(CWIT 2005), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 5-8, pp. 135-138, 2005.

with A. Mobasher, M. Taherzadeh, and A.K. Khandani, in Proceedings of the 39th Conference on Information Sciences

and Systems (CISS 2005), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, March 16-18, 2005.

with M. Salahi and T. Terlaky (invited article). TOP, 12(2):209-300, 2004.

Department of Mathematics, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, PhD Thesis, July 4, 2003.

with F. Rendl, Discrete Optimization: Methods and Applications,

editors: U. Derigs, H.W. Hamacher, and U. Zimmermann, Braunschweig-Kaiserslautern-Köln, 287-305, 2003.

with F. Rendl, in: SOR'01 Proceedings of the 6 th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia,

Preddvor, Slovenia, September 26-28, 2001, 95-101.

with M. Jakic, M. Pavlekovic, in: 7 th International Conference on Operational Research,

Rovinj, Croatia, September 30 - October 2, 1998, 208-218.

Journal of Croatian Mathematical Society 16:21-24, 1997.

with V. Taslidzic, Journal of Mathematics and Physics (croat. Matematicko fizicki list), 43:76-80, 1998-99,

and in:

Mathematics and School (croat. Matematika i škola) 18/IV, editor: Element, Zagreb, Croatia, 74-76, 2002.

with D. Sotirov, in: Proceedings of 6 th Symposium on the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Struga,

Republic of Macedonia, October 1-3, 1998, 403-409.

Codes to download: