Interested in becoming a member of SOPO?
SOPO membership provides you with access to valuable educational resources and a network of other professionals.
Yearly dues are $50 per calendar year. While our seminars are open to all OD's, members enjoy a savings of $100 per seminar. Since we offer 2 seminars per year that $50 membership saves our members up to $200 per year. To take advantage of the member savings, dues MUST be paid PRIOR to registering for any seminar.
To register your membership, submit your membership dues (check made payable to "SOPO") to our secretary/treasurer, Dr. Sharon Ellis, at the following address:
Society of Professional Optometrists
P.O. Box 942194
Atlanta, GA 31141
And, for just a $2.00 convenience fee, you can pay your $50 annual dues using one of the options below. When prompted on the paypal page, you can use your paypal account or simply click "pay with debit or credit card" below that.