
Submitted/under revision 

- What drives air pollution risk perception? a residential location choice interpretation with a French national database (with Tina Rambonilaza and Mirella Kabore)

- Valuing green amenities in a built environment: landscape visibility and connectivity indicators in a stated preference survey (with Mohamed Hilal and Thao Pham)

- We Love Green: Households' Valuation of Farming Practices and Challenges of Signalling (with Rachel Guillain and Marine Coinon)

- What drives urban green satisfaction in major European cities? A life satisfaction approach (with Capucine Chapel)

- Regional impacts of ecological agriculture. Stakeholder insights from three case studies in France (with Kassoum Ayouba, Larissa Billaudet, Stuart Henderson, Philippe Jeanneaux, Laure Latruffe and Etienne Polge)


- Econometric analysis of the determinant of air pollution perception gap: A cognitive interpretation  (with Tina Rambonilaza and Mirella Kabore)

- Result-oriented versus input-oriented instruments: the case of pest resistance to pesticides. (with Safiatou Barro and Elsa Martin)

- Commute, work, sleep : urban form and pollution exposure (with Camille Régnier

- How much do uncertainty and information asymmetry matter? The case of soil carbon storage practices in the agricultural sector (with Alejandra Giraldo, Laure Bamière and Valentin Bellassen)

- The Rise of Green Cities: Ecological Awareness and Environmental Policy Competition (with Tidiane Ly and Romain Gaté

- Incomplete model and herbicide resistance management. (with Safiatou Barro and Elsa Martin)

- Large Scale policies for small towns : an international perspective (with Marion Drut)

- Urban pollution and periurban agricultural productivity: theoretical investigation of the implications on periurban land price (with Arouna Kouandou)

- Assessing the Economic Value of Agricultural Biodiversity in French Municipalities (with Arouna Kouandou)

- Do urban tolls really help us breathe easier? An evaluation of the impact of urban tolls on air quality (with Lionel Védrine)

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

-Exploring the Linkages between Farm Efficiency, Farm Environmental Performance, and Agri-Environmental Scheme Adoption:

Lessons from France. (with Thierno Bocar DiopLionel Védrine, Stéphane Blancard, Sébastien Marchand), forthcoming in Journal of Environmental Management.

 - Drivers of PES effectiveness: some evidence from a quantitative meta-analysis. (with Legrand Saint-Cyr, Valentin Bellassen, Julie Le Gallo and Lionel Védrine). 2023, Ecological Economics, 210:107856.

-People prefer arable fields and flower strips with continuous soil cover and diversified vegetation (with Lola Seree, François Chiron, Antoine Gardarin and Muriel Valantin-Morison). 2023, Ecology & Society, 18(2):9.

- Creating Conditions for Harnessing the Potential of Transitions to Agroecology in Europe and Requirements for Policy (with David Miller, Andrew Barnes, Mara Cazacu, Oriana Gava, Janne Helin, Jochen Kantelhardt, Jan Landert, Laure Latruffe, Andreas Mayer, Andreas Niedermayr, Andrea Povellato, Lena Schaller, Gerald Schwarz, Pete Smith, Francesco Vanni, Lionel Védrine, Davide Viaggi, Audrey Vincent and George Vlahos), 2022, Eurochoices, 21(3):72-79.

- Are households' residential preferences consistent with the biodiversity potentials of different urban contexts? (with Cécile Détang-Dessendre, Mohamed Hilal, Camille Régnier and Gengyang Tu). 2022, Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2022.2077916.

- Are traffic restriction policies effective to fight urban air pollution? (with Lionel Védrine), 2020, Scienze Regionali, 19(1): 149-157.

- Commuting in Happyville : taxation with inter-jurisdictional commuting and pollution.  Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2019; 21: 201– 218. 

- Peri-urbanisation: between residential preferences and job opportunities (with Mohamed Hilal and Jean Cavailhès), 2018, Raumforschung und Raumordnung - Spatial research and planning, 17(2) : 133-47.

- Conjunctive implementation of land sparing and land sharing for environmental preservation (with Elsa Martin and Virginie Piquet), Ecological Economics, 143 : 170-187, 2018.

- Urban structure and environmental externalities (with Camille Régnier), 2018, Environmental and Resource Economics, 70:31–52.

- Usages agricoles diversifiés du sol : le rôle des effets de voisinage (With Rachel Guillain and Elsa Martin), Revue Economique, 68 : 409-433, 2017.  

- Foncier agricole, qualité de l'eau et intervention publique : un état de l'art (with Elsa Martin and Camille Régnier), 2016, Economie Rurale, 353-354 : 113-126.

- Environmental performance of the urban form (with Jean Cavailhès), 2016, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 59 : 1-11.

- Correlated environmental impacts of wastewater management, 2015, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 52 : 83-92.

- Incomplete model specification in a multi-pollutants setting : the case of climate change and acidification, 2011,  Resource and Energy Economics 33(3) : 527-543.

- Temporal flexibility of permit trading when pollutants are correlated  (with Georges Zaccour), 2011, Automatica 47(5) : 909-919.

-Managing correlated stocks : water taxes with a pinch of salt, Environment and Development Economics, 15(3) : 275-292

-Dynamic taxation schemes to manage irrigation- induced salinity (with Robert Lifran), 2006, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 11 : 157-167

Book chapters

- Localisation résidentielle et environnement : entre attraction et dégradation, 2016. In Blancard, S., Détang-Dessendre, C. et Renahy, N. "Campagnes contemporaines,    Enjeux économiques et sociaux des espaces ruraux français", Editions Quae. 


- Coupled markets for coupled externalities : water management in the context of irrigation-induced salinity (with Robert Lifran), working paper LAMETA 06-11

- L’eau, un bien économique ? (with Sophie Thoyer), Magazine de l’URIS-LR n 4, pp. 76-79, Octobre 2008.

- Quelle est la politique européenne pour la gestion de l’eau ? (with Sophie Thoyer), 2008, in Leclerc, M.C. and Scheromm, P. (coord.) L’eau : une ressource durable ? Sceren, Poitiers (Ed.) pp 32-37.

- Reproductive biology of a threatened species on Reunion Island (Corymborkis corymbis: Orchidaceae): implications for its conservation. Revue d'Ecologie - La Terre et La Vie 58:271-282, 2003 (with C. Micheneau, J. Dupont, T. Pailler)