Curriculum Vitae


  • - Ph.D in Mathematics (May, 1999)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA Thesis Advisor: Bruce C. Berndt Thesis: The Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction and A Certain Quotient of Eta Functions Found in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook
  • - M. Ed in Mathematics Education (August, 1992)

Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea Thesis Advisor: Jae Keol Park Thesis: Prime Ideals Determining Dedekind Domains
  • - B.S. in Mathematics (February, 1990)

Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea

Professional Experience

Awards & Grants:

    • - 2019 Ministerial Citation, Ministry of Science and ICT (May 2019)

    • - Research Grant, National Research Foundation in Korea (June 2016 ~ May 2022)

    • - Research Service Project (A study on the development of in-depth planning for 4th BK21), National Research Foundation in Korea (2019 ~ 2020)

    • - KIAS Allumni Award (September, 2016)

    • -Structured Quartet Research Ensembles (SQuaREs), American Institute of Mathematics (2011, 2013)

    • - Research Grant, National Research Foundation in Korea (September 2011 ~ August 2016)

    • - Research Grant, National Research Foundation in Korea (May 2009 ~ April 2012)

    • - KIAS Academic Award, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (September, 2005)

    • - Travel Grant, Association for Women in Mathematics, USA (February, 2000)


    1. Bounds for d-distinct partitions (with Y.H.Kim), Hardy-Ramanujan Journal (Special Issue in memory of Ramanujan on the 100th of his death) , 43, 83-90, 2021.

    2. Divisibility Properties of the Fourier coefficients of (mock) modular functions and Ramanujan Int. J. Number Theory (Special Issue in honor of Bruce Berndt), 17:3, 577-589, 2021.

    3. An analogue of Alder-Andrews conjecture generalizing the 2nd Rogers-Ramanujan identity (with E.Y. Park) Discrete Mathematics, 343:7, 2020

    4. Hecke system of harmonic Maass functions and its applications to genus 1 modular curves (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), (submitted for publication)

    5. Bases of space of harmonic weak Maass forms and Shintani lifts on harmonic weak Maass forms (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Ramanujan J. 54, 219-244, 2021.

    6. Mock theta functions of order 2 and their shadow computations (with H. Swisher), Bulletin of Korean Mathematical Society,54:6 2155-2163, 2017.

    7. Quantum modularity of mock theta functions of order 2, Korean Journal of Mathematics, 25:1 87-97, 2017

    8. Quantum mock modular forms arising from eta-theta functions (with A. Folsom, S. Garthewaite, H. Swisher and S. Treneer), Research in Number Theory, 2:14, 2016

    9. Zagier-lift type Arithmetic in weakly harmonic Maass forms (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Journal of Number Theory, 169, 227-249, 2016

    10. Finite and infinite Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction in Ramanujan’s lost notebook (with B.C. Berndt and J. Sohn), Journal of Number Theory, 148, no. 112-120, 2015

    11. Cycle integrals of a sesqui-harmonic Maass form of weight 0 (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Journal of Number Theory, 141, no. 92-108, 2014

    12. Weak Maass Poincare series and weight 3/2 mock modular forms (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Journal of Number Theory, 133, no. 8 2567-2587, 2013

    13. Modularity of Galois Traces of Class Invariants (with D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Mathematische Annalen, 353, no.1, 37-63, 2012

    14. Arithmetic Properties of Traces of Singular Moduli on Congruence Subgroups (with C.H. Kim), International Journal of Number Theory, 6, no.8, 1755-1768, 2010

    15. Mock Jacobi Forms in Basic Hypergeometric Series, Compositio Mathemtica, 145, 553-565, 2009

    16. Partitions Weighted by the Parity of Cranks (with D. Choi and J. Lovejoy), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A, 116, no. 5, 1034-1046, 2009

    17. Exact Formulas for Traces of Singular Moduli of Higher Level Modular Functions (with D. Choi, D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), Journal of Number Theory, 128, 700-707, 2008

    18. Traces of Singular Moduli of Arbitrary Level Modular Functions (with D. Choi, D. Jeon and C.H. Kim), International Mathematical Research Notices, 2007, no.22: article ID rnm110, 2007

    19. Generalizations of Ramanujan’s Reciprocity Theorem and Their Applications, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 75, 18-34, 2007

    20. The Continuous Symmetric Hahn Polynomials Found in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook (with S-.G. Lim and J. Sohn), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 307, 153-166, 2005

    21. A Certain Quotient of Eta-Functions Found in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook (with B. C. Berndt, H. H. Chan, and L.-C. Zhang), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 202, 267-304, 2002

    22. The Problems Submitted by Ramanujan to the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society (with B. C. Berndt and Y.S. Choi), Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys, edited by Bruce C. Berndt and Robert A. Rankin, History of Mathematics Series, 22, 215-258, American Mathematical Society and London Mathematical Society, 2001

    23. Some Theorems on the Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction and Associated Theta Function Identities in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook, The Ramanujan Journal, 3, 91-111, 1999

    24. Ramanujan’s Formula for the Explicit Evaluation of the Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction and Theta Functions, Acta Arithmetica, 90, 49-68, 1999

    25. The Problems Submitted by Ramanujan to the Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society (with B. C. Berndt and Y.S. Choi) Contemporary Mathematics, 236, 15-56, 1999

    26. The Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction (with B. C. Berndt, H. H. Chan, S-.S. Huang, J. Sohn, S.H. Son), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 105, 9–24, 1999

    27. A new proof of Winquist’s Identity, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 78, 313-318, 1997

Academic Services:

  1. Committee Member of Science Communication for Korea Federation of Women's Science & Technology Association, 2020~

  2. Member of Project General Committee for 4th BK21, 2020~

  3. Delegate of College of Natural Science for Kangwon National University Faculty Council, 2020~2021

  4. Member of Selecting Evaluation Steering Committee for 4th BK21, 2020

  5. Board Member for Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences, 2019~2020

  6. Review Board, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2018~2020

  7. Board Member for Kangwon National University Faculty Women's Association, 2017~2019

  8. Chair of Mathematics Department, Kangwon National University, 2017-2019

  9. Board Member for Korean Mathematical Society, 2017~2018

  10. Board Member for Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences, 2016

  11. ICM 2014 Organizing Committee on Social Activities and Logistics, 2013~2014

  12. Board Member for Korean Women in Mathematical Sciences, June 2013~December 2014