
Care for the China Syndrome: Trade Shock, Sick Workers, and Access to Healthcare  (Preliminary Draft)

(with Sunham Kim and Chong Xiang)

Labor Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: 

An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labor Market for the Disabled 

(with Naoki Aizawa and Serena Rhee)  Accepted, Review of Economic Studies.

(previously, "Labor Market Screening and Social Insurance Program Design for the Disabled")

Dynamic Effects of Long-Term Care Insurance on Medical Expenditures: Evidence from South Korea

(with Honsoo Kim, Wonshik Kim, and Kyung Yang)

International Economic Journal, 37, pp. 446-461, 2023.

Understanding the Aggregate Effects of Disability Insurance (with Serena Rhee

Review of Economic Dynamics, 46, pp.328-364, 2022.

Analyzing the Effects of Insuring Health Risks: 

On the Tradeoff between Short-Run Insurance Benefits vs. Long-Run Incentive Costs 

(with Harold L. Cole and Dirk Krueger)

Review of Economic Studies, 86(3), pp. 1123-1169, 2019. 

Measuring the Effects of Employment Protection Policies for the Disabled: 

Theory and Evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act (with Serena Rhee)

Labour Economics, 54, pp. 116-134, October 2018

The Effects of Migration on Optimal Taxation: An International Tax Competition Analysis

Revision requested by Macroeconomic Dynamics.

Work in Progress

The Labor Income and Capital Return Risk from Automation (with Trevor Gallen

The Evaluation of Social Security Reforms with Heterogeneous Human Capital (with Serena Rhee)

Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from the Migration of Innovators (with Kirk Doran)


"How do Consumers Finance Increased Retirement Savings?" (by Taha Choukhmane and Christopher Palmer, 2024)

"Marital Transitions, Housing, and Long-Term Care in Old Age" (by Minsu Chang and Ami Ko, 2021)

"Inequality, Disaster Risk and the Great Recession" (by Heejeong Kim, 2020)

"Optimal Taxation with Private Insurance" (by Yongsung Chang and Yena Park, 2018)

"Financial Frictions, Asset Prices, and the Great Recession" (by Zhen Huo and Victor Rios-Rull, 2018)

"How a Regressive Subsidy to EHI Enhances Entrepreneurship and Improves Welfare" (by Zhigang Feng and Anne Villamil, 2015)

"Heterogeneity in the Dynamic Effects of Uncertainty on Investment" (by Sungje Byun and Soojin Jo, 2014)