
Working Papers

Racial Representation among Academics and Students' Academic and Labor Market Outcome (with Angus Holford) - R&R at Labour Economics

SES-Based Affirmative Action and Academic and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from UK's Contextualized Admissions - 2022 JMP - Submitted

Expectations about the Productivity of Effort and Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Information Intervention (with Adeline Delavande, Emilia Del Bono, Angus Holford and Vedran Lesic) - Submitted

How Does the Effect of Information on Charitable Giving Vary by Beliefs? The Case of Locus of Control - Submitted

Maternal Socio-Emotional Skills and Child Development (with Greta Morando and Almudena Sevilla) - Submitted 

Work in Progress

Teacher Effects on Students' Socio-Emotional Skills Development (with Greta Morando)

Shaping Beliefs about Parental Leave: Evidence from an Information Experiment (with Laura Fumagalli and Greta Morando) 

Perceived Performance: The Role of Attractiveness and Race (with Joshua Fullard)

Gender Peer Effects in Higher Education and Labor Market Outcomes (with Greta Morando) 

Parental Beliefs about School Quality Measures and Parental Investment

Other Research in Survey Methodology 

Tell Me Who You Are and I Will Give You My Consent: A Light-touch Intervention on Consent to Data Linkage (with Joshua Fullard) - Submitted

Research Reports

Ethnic diversity in UK economics with Arun Advani and Ross Warwick IFS Briefing Note. BN307, 2020 -- Media coverage: The Guardian The Telegraph 

A level economics is a gateway to the economics profession. with Arun Advani and Ross Warwick,  IFS Observation, 2021

Determinants of and Barriers to Active Travel in Coventry and Warwickshire with Raj Patel, 2021

Making the Creative Majority with Roberta Comunian et al., Report for APPG for Creative Diversity, 2023