Ongoing papers

Under review

[01] Farizo, B.A., Sevilla-Callejo, M., Soliño, M., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., López-Moreno, J.I., Lázaro-Alquézar, A., Murphy, C., Grainger, S., Murphy, C., Conradt, T., Jin, H., Boincean, B. (2024). “Estimating the costs of droughts on ecosystem services: an application to use and passive-use values”. under review.

[02] Garau, E., Soliño, M., Castro, A.J. (2024). "Wich landscape do you prefer? The role of emotions on choices". under review.

[03] Díaz-Ruiz, F., Descalzo, E., Martínez-Jauregui, M., Soliño, M., Márquez, A.L., Farfán, M.A., Real, R., Ferreras, P., Delibes-Mateos, M. (2024). "Combining rangers’ questionnaire survey and biogeographical models to identify current and potential distribution of an expanding mesocarnivore in southern Europe". under review. 

[04] Linares, O., de la Peña, E., Serrano, E., Soliño, M., Carranza, J., Martínez-Jauregui, M. (2024). “Hunt for trophies or experiences? How management regimen conditions the satisfaction of the recreational hunter”. revise & resubmit.

[05] Alba-Patiño, D., Soliño, M., Arroyo, B., Glikman, J.A., Martínez-Jauregui, M., Castro, A.J., Delibes-Mateos, M. (2024). “Hunting regulations as a conservation tool: Hunters’ views on the European turtle-dove moratorium”. revise & resubmit.

[06] Linares, O., Martínez-Jauregui, M., Carranza, J., Soliño, M. (2024). "Bridging sustainable game management into land use policy: From principles to practice". revise & resubmit.

[07] Salazar-Baño, A.G., Chas-Amil, M.L., Soliño, M. (2024). “Dealing with mitigation actions in a well-established energy infrastructure: Preferences for the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System”. revised & resubmitted


[01] Soliño, M. (2024). “What does Status Quo mean? Personality and opt-outs in choice modelling”. analyzing data.

[02] Soliño, M., Vázquez, M.X. (2024). “Management of coastal areas in an Atlantic European Region". analyzing data. 

[03] Murillas, A., Díaz, E., Soliño, M. (2024). “The traditional eel fisheries in the Basque Country: Social preferences for conservation programs”. analyzing data.

[04] Martínez-Jauregui, Linares, O., Carranza, J., Soliño, M. (2024). “Towards the sustainable certification of hunting: An analysis of hunters’ preferences for environmental and social criteria”. analyzing data. 

[05] Cerdá, E., López-Otero, X., Quiroga, S., Soliño, M. (2024). “The present and future of the offshore wind in Spain: An analysis of discourses". draft under review.

[06] Soliño, M., Figueras, A. (2024). "The mussel sector in Galicia: Diverse discourses within a single reality“. draft under review.

[07] Farizo, B., Muñoz, J., Soliño, M. (2024). "The management of the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid: Vistors' preferences for current and future actions". draft under review.

[08] Soliño, M., Piorno, V. (2024). “Dealing with tourists’ preferences for management actions of flora and fauna in the Atlantic Islands National Park”. draft under review.