Shepherds Of Grace Libreia Team Churches

Shepherds Of Grace Liberia TEAM Churches

Together Experiencing A Ministry

We are in the process of growing as God adds to the Shepherds Of Grace Liberia Church Family.

However, it is not in a building made with hands. The Ministry is People, and we are more concerned about people then buildings, padded pews, platforms and elaborate sound systems.

We will meet wherever we can have fellowship, Bible studies, prayer and worship.

We do not worship by numbers or a program but as the Spirit of the Lord would lead.

We are not a Black Church, White Church, Asian or Hispanic church.

Who Are We?

We are an All Nations, Cross Cultural, Spirit Filled, Apostolic Church,

Empowering People for Destiny

Our Vision

Teach people from every tribe and nation, how to identify and

step into the purpose, plan and position of ministry

that God has ordained for their life concerning

the Great Commission

Our Strategy

Planting Ministries. We are ONE Church,

with ONE mandate in a multiplicity of locations

Our Mission

Reaching People for Christ, and Changing the World Together

The only way we can truly represent the Body of Christ is by openly recognizing every member of that body has a function and responsiblity to the Great Commission.

God has never intended His Church to become a Church that is: "traditional," "denominational,” “independent,” or isolated from the rest of the Body of Christ; but He has called us to submitted to the rest of the Body of Christ and know them that labor amoung us.

Christ-like people must join together to preach Christ to every segment of our society, the rich, poor, educated, uneducated, every race and every nation.

As a New Covenant church, we are to witness Great Power, (Acts 4:33); Great Grace, (Acts 4:33); Great Wonders and Miracles. (Acts 6:8)

Are you tired of merely being entertained? Tired of doing things without power, without meaning? Have you been hurt in the past by other believers in Ministry? Do you want to grow spiritually and be fruitful for the Kingdom of God?

Come join the Shepherds Of Grace Liberia Family!

Our Core Belief in Ministry is:

Matt. 4:19 "...follow me and I will make you fishers of men". Meaning, if we follow Christ our purpose and priority will be to labor for men and women to come into the kingdom of God.

Matt. 28:19 "Go ye therfore and make disciples of all nations..." We are not called, we are commanded to go unto all the world and make disciples of all ethnic groups.

We exist as a Ministry for this purpose:

Share the Word

Show the Word

Teach the Word

Serve the World

Shepherds Of Grace Liberia Churches has a desire to operate as a Team, for the purpose of seeking and saving the lost.

Should you want to establish, be a part of, or desire your church to be affiliated the Shepherds Of Grace Liberia Team , contact our office for more information EMAIL: