
1. IIITS Egocentric Event Recognition Dataset

This dataset contains 102 egocentric videos of 9 different events. The videos are taken in different lighting conditions (day and night), different backgrounds (indoor/ outdoor), different speed of movements of the subject (walking, cycling, car driving, playing). To obtain the dataset, please click here and download the agreement form. Please fill it, sign it and send it to the email id:

Please cite the following paper if you validate your method on this dataset and go for publication:

Vinodh Buddubariki, Sunitha Gowd T. and Snehasis Mukherjee, Event Recognition in Egocentric Videos Using a Novel Trajectory Based Feature, In Proc. of ICVGIP, 2016, ACM, pp.- 76:1 - 76:8.

2. IIITS Dataset for Measuring Level of Cuteness of Baby Face Images

This dataset contains 500 images of baby faces downloaded from the internet. The images are of different resolutions, illuminations, poses, alignments and view points. The babies in the images are from different Nationalities, Ethnicity and social Communities throughout the World. To obtain the dataset, please click here and download the agreement form. Please fill it, sign it and send it to the email id:

Please cite the following paper if you validate your method on this dataset and go for publication:

Pooja Makula, Akshay Kumar and Snehasis Mukherjee, "Measuring Level of Cuteness of Baby Images: A Supervised Learning Scheme", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-017-5257-x (2017).

3. IIITS MFace Dataset: A Multiface Challenging Dataset for Face Recognition

This dataset contains a gallery set and a probe set containing face images of seven subjects captured in unconstrained environment. To obtain the dataset, please click here and download the agreement form. Please fill it, sign it and send it to the email id:

Please cite the following paper if you validate your method on this dataset and go for publication:

Shiv Ram Dubey and Snehasis Mukherjee, “A Multi-Face Challenging Dataset for Robust Face Recognition”, 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), 2018.

4. IIITS RGB-D Action Recognition Dataset:

To obtain the dataset, please click here and download the agreement form. Please fill it, sign it and send it to the email id:

Please cite the following paper if you validate your method on this dataset and go for publication:

Snehasis Mukherjee, L. Anvitha and T. Mohana Lahari, Human Activity Recognition in RGB-D Videos by Dynamic Images, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-08747-3, 2020.