Pranx 2 - Clothing Textures

Pranx Clothes

These things are for Elleque's Scampixie Pranx 2. You can purchase Scampixie Pranx 2 Here!

You must own him and any required outfit for any of my recolors to work! I will do my best to post a link to the needed mesh.

I'm a Poser user but I'm told that these all work in Daz Studio.

These downloads are for the new Scampixie Pranx 2, not the original Scampixie Pranx.

Pedantic Kid 2020 Pastels

My first freebie for Pranx 2!

Pastels and some darkish colors for Pedantic Kid 2020.

They aren't super detailed but I hope they are liked anyway.

This outfit is free but requires proof of purchase of Pranx 2. More information at link below.


Required, Pranx 2 [Purchase Here]

[Pedantic Kid 2020] || [n/a]

Created 2021




Required, **! [outfit] || [n/a]

Created 20**