
Current students

Jiang Jiaqun 江加群 (PhD)        (Master thesis: Instantons partition function with matter on Young diagrams

Jiahao Zheng 郑嘉豪 (Master)     (Master thesis: Class S on S^2)

Zhuang Shutong  庄舒同 (Master)

Huang Junkang  黄俊康 (Master)

Yang Jiaxin 杨嘉鑫  (Undergrad)      (Bachelor thesis: Characters of 2d rational CFT)

Yili Lin 林易理 (Undergrad)      (Bachelor thesis: Topological defect lines in 2d CFT)

Yutai Zhang 张宇泰 (Undergrad)

Zang Yichi 臧亦驰  (Undergrad)

Cao Ziheng 曹子恒  (Undergrad)

Former students

      Shao Yilu 邵一陆 (Bachelor thesis: Seiberg-Witten theory and instanton partition function)  → Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté '22

       Wang Hao 王昊      (PhD thesis: Researches on the 3d N = 4 Unitary-Orthosymplectic Duality and Knot Theory)  → Yau Center, Tsinghua University '22

       Chen Yanyan 陈艳艳  (Bachelor thesis: 5-brane webs with O5-plane for G2 gauge theory )  → Fudan, Yidun Wan's group '22

Zhang Hao  张昊    (Bachelor thesis: 4d N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories , Master thesis: On knot polynomials and N=(0,2) Landau-Ginzburg models)   → Virginia Tech in '21

Hao Rong Feng 俸昊嵘 (Bachelor thesis: Modular Tensor Category from Argyres-Douglas Theory)   → Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan in '21

Yang Yuanzhe 羊远哲 (Bachelor thesis: On Gukov-Manolescu series of links

Yang Chen  杨宸    (Bachelor thesis: An introduction to 3d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories)    → University of Amsterdam  in '20

        Yan Jiajun 颜佳俊 (Bachelor thesis: Boundary condition influence Rényi entropy in 2d CFT)   → Utrecht University in '20

Tao Runkai 陶润恺   (Bachelor thesis: The HOMFLY-PT polynomial and Poincare polynomial colored by rectangular Young diagrams) → Rutgers  in '19

Gu  Xia  谷夏    (Bachelor thesis: 2d Superconformal Field Theories)  → Tsinghua in '19

Organization of workshops

Geometry and Physics of Quantum Toroidal Algebra, IAS-Hangzhou,  September 16, 2024

String Theory and Quantum Field Theory 2024, Fudan University, January 29- February 2, 2024

String Theory and Quantum Field Theory 2019, Fudan University, March 11-15 2019

About reference letters

Writing a letter of recommendation is one of the jobs for a faculty member, and I would be happy to write a letter for students and postdocs. 

However, please follow the instruction written by Vakil when you ask for my letter.

Chinese undergrad students who are interested in studying in Japan

I am not so familiar with universities in Japan, but I may be able to help you to some extent. To apply for graduate schools in Japan, I would recommend you to collect information earlier, say from September, because deadlines can be in October or November. In Japan,  the academic year usually starts in April rather than September although some top universities accept entrance in September.  In general, I would suggest you to use VPN and Google to collect information about graduate schools. 

For instance, you can first refer to informative websites by Prof. Watari and Hamaguchi at University of Tokyo.

I know some theoretical and mathematical physicists in Japan in the field of string theory, quantum field theory, and quantum topology/geometry. I may be able to give you some useful information about applications for studying theoretical and mathematical physics in Japan. You can contact me if you are interested.