
blockMeshDict file contains all instructions read by blockMesh utility.

blockMesh is fully explained in OpenFOAM User Guide, in this page is just shown (and shared) a typical Dict file used to generate a simple parallelepipedal geometry, with some useful tips to quickly change size and discretization of the block

convertToMeters 1;

a 60; // Number of elements in x direction

b 10; // Number of elements in y direction

c 45; // Number of elements in z direction

xi -6; // Minimum x coordinate

xf 6; // Maximum x coordinate

yi -1; // Minimum y coordinate

yf 1; // Maximum y coordinate

zi -1; // Minimum z coordinate

zf 8; // Maximum z coordinate



($xi $yi $zi) //0

($xf $yi $zi) //1

($xf $yf $zi) //2

($xi $yf $zi) //3

($xi $yi $zf) //4

($xf $yi $zf) //5

($xf $yf $zf) //6

($xi $yf $zf) //7




hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) ($a $b $c) simpleGrading (1 1 1)











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