Welcome to snappyWiki!

This little site speaks about the mesh utility snappyHexMesh, present in the most common OpenFOAM versions

This site is the result of the time I "lost" trying to understand and use this application, as powerful as raw and complicated. During my work I began to write down every step, every result, every experiment I did, in this private site.

Now my ideas (and time) are over, so I decided to open the site to the community and see if anyone has anything to say; so after you read my pages, please send me an email for comments, suggestions or just insults!

ATTENTION: This site is unprofessional and unofficial, but maybe you will find some tips you need!


2013/01/22 - I've discovered some errors in featureEdge section and sharp edges treatment, I will fix the site as soon as I can!

2012/05/22 - Now it's possible to add comments at the bottom of all pages if you are signed in with a google account

2012/05/21 - Now you can download the cube and cylinder cases from relative pages